Chapter 5,

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Hello My Lovely Readers, 6 readers WOO!!! :D I hope you are enjoying the story, what do you think?? PLEASE tell me I really want to know!!! But here is the 5 chapter, it's kind of just a filler and is quite short, sorry about that but it's going to get good!!! :D

MusicLover!! :)

Chapter 5

Harry's POV

After the movie, we decided to have some supper.

“So tell me about yourself Katie” I said as she looked up at me while drinking her tea. Her eyes sparkled I got lost in them so easily, she was just truly beautiful, and I could already tell I was falling for her.

“There isn’t much to tell” she said, not much to tell? somehow I doubted that, there was something about her that just made me think she was special, she was different and just needed to be loved.

“Well tell me anyway, I want to know about you” I said, I did want to know about her, I wanted to know everything.

“Well what do you want to know?” she asked, what didn’t I want to know? There wasn't anything I didn't want to know, I wanted to know everything.

“Everything” I said , she chocked on her tea when I said this, why? I wondered. Was she shocked someone wanted to know everything about her? Or was it something she didn’t want to tell me? Or was it both?

“Right well” she started clearing her throat, “I’m 21, just out of university, and am a substitute teacher, my parents and sister died when I was 16 and they gave me the option of either living with my grandparents or by myself, I chose by myself because my grandparents were abusive.” She sighed then continued “I was bullied at school and only had one friend, she moved to America and I moved her, in case you couldn’t tell I’m an Australian, my favourite colour is lime and sea foam green.” She said, she stared down at her tea.

“I’m sorry, do you want to hear about me?” I asked trying to change the subject.

She chuckled.

“Sure” she said, gosh she was beautiful.

“Well” I began I’m 21 too, I live in England, I love to sing and am in fact in a boyband called One Direction and I am hopping you know us, my parents divorced when I was much younger, I have a sister named Gemma who is a few years older than me, my favourite colour is orange, I love cats, I have 4 best friends who happen to be my band mates, the nicest guys you would ever meet, but they like me are completely insane” she laughed.

“Well Harry, I did think your face was very familiar now it makes sense One Direction” she said, I chuckled.

We continued to talk until late in the night when I drove her home, this girl was amazing, and I was going to make her mine……….just how? how was i going to make that happen??

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