Chapter 17, The Last Chapter

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Chapter 17

Katie’s POV

We arrived at the Hospital, I walked to the front desk

“Eleanor Calder”

“Room 207”

“Thank you” I grabbed Harry’s hand and quickly walked to her room.

“El” I said

“Hey Katie and Harry” she said,

“How ya doing?” Harry asked

“Well, in a bit of pain every now and then, at the moment”

“Where is Lou?”

“He’s getting me a drink”


“Hello Ms Calder, I am Nurse Smith so do you plan on a natural or c section birth?”

“Natural birth”

“Okay, then, I will be back to check up on you in about 10 minutes”


“So contractions painful?” I asked

“They are pretty painful, ow ow, contraction” I grabbed her hand and Harry grabbed her other hand, “Owww”

“Hey, oh babe” Lou came running over seeing she was having another contraction, I let go of her hand and let Lou take my place, not long after the contraction passed and Danielle and Liam came.

“Hey guys” they said,

“Hey” we said,

The nurse came back in, and check how dilated El was. Then Zayn and Perrie came in.

“Hey guys” they said


“Holy crap” El yelled “Owwwww”  she squeezed Lou and Harry’s hands really tightly. Not long after that Jess and Niall came.

“Hey guys” they said


The nurse came back and check on El and she apparently is now 5 cm dilated. Labour went for ages poor El. The nurse kept coming back a lot, and the pain for El was getting worse and worse.

“Ms Calder you’re 8 cm dilated”

“8 I’ve changed my mind I want a c section”

“I’m sorry Ms Calder, it’s too late”

“WHAT?” she screamed “No” the nurse walked out the room.

“No this is too painful I can’t do it no no”

“El you can do this” I said

“You can do it” Jess said

“Just breath El, relax and do what you have to” Danielle said

“Come on girl kick butt” Perrie said

“Oh I hope I can”

“You can” Lou said,

“OWWWWWW” she screamed

The nurse came back again,

“Okay your 10 cm dilated, time to get this baby out, Doctor” she called, “We are going to take to you another room for your delivery and only your partner or family members can come”  

We hugged and kissed El and Lou, and went to the waiting room.

I sat down beside Harry and held his hand. We sat there silent for ages, finally after 2 hours of sitting there, Lou came out.

“Guys!” he called we all looked up

“It’s a healthy baby girl, come and see” We got up and followed Lou into a room where El was holding and looking down at the cutest baby girl ever.

“What’s her name?” Harry asked

“We decided to name her Amy Marie Tomlinson”

“What did you say?” I asked

“Amy Marie Tomlinson, why?”

“Amy Marie, that was my sister’s name.”

“Oh we can ch…..” I cut El off

“It’s perfect” I said, they looked up at me with a huge smile. I knew they were going to love this baby with all their hearts.

“We’ll let you get some rest El” Lou said

I took Harry by the hand and walked out,

“I want a baby” Harry said….wait what?

“What?” I asked

“I want a baby, with you” I looked up at him, he wasn’t kidding, I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him.

“One day Harry”

“You promise”

“I promise” and that promise I kept.

The end.

A/N: Well there ya go, that's the end on the story! I'm sorry if some things in this chapter aren't correct, don't hate me!! Also sorry that the story wasn't the best but my stories will get better! I will be starting my new story soon!! :D Maybe monday if I get time to start it this weekend! I really hope you had enjoyed this story!! Vote Comment and follow PLEASE!!! :D Hope you are all well.


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