Chapter 16, It's Time

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Chapter 16

Katie’s POV,

It was late in the night, about midnight almost 1, I was laying in Harry’s arms, it was peaceful but I couldn’t fall asleep, I was happy, there was nothing wrong, but I couldn’t sleep, like something was going to happen, I was fine and quite content, but I couldn’t fall asleep, I wasn’t worried about anything, but something was keeping me awake like I was about to be needed, I kept trying to ignore the feeling and would try to go to sleep, but I just couldn’t, and it was frustrating, why in world couldn’t I fall asleep.

El’s POV

I got up out of bed, I need to get a drink and go to the toilet, I sat up, holding my tummy gently making sure not to hurt my baby. I sat on the edge of my side of the bed, and slowly got up, I walked to the door and opened the door slowly and quietly trying not to wake up Lou. I walked to the bathroom, and did my business; I came back out and went to the kitchen to get a drink. I walked back to bed, I closed the door quietly.

“Babe, you alright?” Lou asked in his husky morning voice, quite a turn on.

“Yeah, just had to go to the bathroom and then get a drink, that’s all” I said

“Okay” I sat on the edge of the bed, sliding back into my comfort cuddling up to my fiancé, yes Lou and I are engaged, how exciting!! I am really excited!! I went into a deep slumber, having an interesting dream.

El’s Dream

There I stood on the ground holding my tummy, I don’t know where I was I was just standing in the middle of a room, I was wearing my pyjamas, and had a pillow with me, I was quiet content quiet happy, Lou was standing beside me holding my hand, we were talking and laughing like normal, when I stopped talking and stood dead still, I felt water running down my legs, like I had wet myself or something, I looked down to see my crouch area was absolutely soaked, there was a puddle of water underneath me surrounding my feet.

End of El’s dream

I woke up, oh thank goodness that was just a dream, I got up again and started rubbing my face with my hands, I got up out of bed and walked to the door and quietly opened the door, I walked out to the kitchen and had a drink, I walked back to my bedroom, I closed the door, I felt a bit wet, I wiped my butt and half way through wiping my butt when I stopped, that felt wet I thought, I walked back out to the kitchen and turned on the light and looked down, oh my gosh my crouch area was wet, I walked back into my room.

“Um…..Lou?” I whispered he didn’t move, I moved towards the bed,

“Um…..Lou?” I repeated he stirred a little “Lou?”




“Um, Lou, I think my water just broke” He turned on the light and looked at me and saw the big wet patch, he jumped out of bed, and ran to my closet got me some sweats and some clean undies.

“Put these on” he said handing them to me, he ran out of the room, I put on the clean undies and sweats and walked out the bedroom door, Lou came running out of the nursery with his phone to his ear, “Yep call the others, alright see ya there bye” he hung up and grabbed my hand and we rushed out the door and to the hospital. I was nervous.

Katie’s POV

I was still just lying in bed with Harry’s arms wrapped around me, I closed my eyes trying to fall asleep but nothing, I stared up at the ceiling, when will I fall asleep. My phone started ringing, who is ringing at the terrible time. I picked up the phone

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