Chapter 12, It's Time

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Chapter 12

Harry’s POV

I walked into our house, yep we have been dating for a year and we moved in together. We still hadn’t you know, but that was okay I understood.

Danielle Perrie, Eleanor and Katie were all good friends, and Nialls new girlfriends Jess was really close to the girls as well, it just so happened that I introduced Jessica to Niall, Jess and I have been really good friends since we were 4.

“You excited babe?” I asked

“Yes and no” she said, no? I thought no? Why no?

“No?” I questioned her

“Well” she sighed “Liam’s having a bbq pool party right?” she questioned


“What about my….scars?” she said

“Maybe it’s fate telling you, it’s time to tell them” I said

she sighed “I guess you’re right”

“Besides, I know they won’t love you any less, they’ll love you more, they’ll see how strong and how much of a wonderful person you really are” I said

“You think so?”

“I know so”

“Ok” she said, she ran up stairs,

“Where are you going?” I asked running after her,

“To find some swimmers” she called back

“Ooooh I want to see” I said as I walked to the door bedroom door

“Harold, no”

“Why not?”

“Well you’re going to see my disgusting self anyway today, what’s the point of having to see more?”

“Because you’re not disgusting and it breaks my heart that you think that” I answered

“I’m not even sure if I still have a pair of swimmers that will fit, I haven’t been swimming in that long” she said

“Did you not go swimming to avoid being seen?” I asked, she started to tear up and she slowly nodded, I ran over and hugged her,

“You don’t have to do that anymore” I whispered

“But Harry….” She sobbed, “You haven’t even seen them… won’t like what you see…nobody does” she sobbed

“I love you Katie, you are perfect in every way, and there may be people out there that say the opposite but they are stupid, you are beautiful in every way, and I will love you until the day I die, and even then I will still love you” I said, she looked up at me and smiled,

“I love you to Harry, and thank you” she nuzzling her head into the crock of my neck.

“Now come on, let’s find your swimmers, or buy you some new ones” I said with a wink as she pulled away, she laughed and nodded, she went and looked in the draws, she pulled out an old pair of swimmers and laughed.

“What are you laughing at?”

“Now these definitely won’t fit” she laughed as she held them up

“Oh My God, how old where you when you wore them?”

“Last time 12” she said

“Okay let’s go get you new swimmers” I chuckled, we walked down stairs and out to my car, and drove to tell mall.

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