Chapter 4

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Hello My Lovely Readers, I'm quite happy 5 people have read my story!! Please keep reading, I promise you this chapter does get interesting....very interseting, I'm sorry about some of the other chapters if they were boring but this will be good.....I think!! Please let me know what you think, please I really want to know what you thought of it, whether the story was good? or bad or if you have this thought on where the story should go, I would like to hear it!!! Anywhoo, have a lovely day or night or afternoon or morning!!

MusicLover!! :)

Chapter 4

I woke up with sweat dripping down my face, tears pouring down my cheeks, and I was breathing so heavily, I had a nightmare, the saddest part was I couldn't really call it a nightmare, because it did happen, it was about how my parents and sister died, every night i dreamt the same nightmare, as i could older it got worse and more detailed, and scarier but it was still so real. I sat up on the side of my bed, i put my elbows on my knees and my head in my hands, tears continued to poor down my face. As the memory of what really happened flashed through my mind.

*flash back

We were driving on the way to Dream world, the police were chasing after this guy, the sirens were blaring, and he was in such a hurry to get out and not have the cops after him, that he pushed us off the road, we hit 2 other cars, we hit the cars and ground so hard that the metal, was flattened, bits of glass and metal came flying from every direction and ripping our skin, my sister dove in front of me protecting my arms neck and face, the next thing I remember was waking up in the hospital. I tried to move forward but a sharp pain came to my spine, the doctor walked in and sat beside me and told me what had happened to us, my family died not long after we got into hospital, tears started pouring down my face. The doctor told me I had many scratches and bruises, most would heal but he said that there were many that wouldn’t, one that went from my left shoulder diagonally across my chest, and partly under my right breast, he said it went across my right ribcage and around my back and down to my left hip  wrapping around my entire body right down to my ankles, the same sorta thing happened to my right side except it started at my chest and didn't go under my brest it only just missed my nibble, i had scars across my shoulders and quite a few down my back, stomach and legs that wouldn't heal, and scars that went down to my angles from the top of my hips. He said my parents before they died said they gave me the option of living with my grandparents or by myself, I chose by myself because my grandparents were abusive, and he said my sister told him to give me her necklace with an A on it for her name... Amy and her charm bracelet, all her charms also meant something me.

*Flash back ended

The tears where still pouring down my face remembering what happened, I grabbed Amy's necklace that hung around my neck it landed perfect in my cleavage, and gribbed onto the bracelet at the same time, I missed them so much. I got up of the bed whipped the tears from my eyes, and took a deep breath. I walked over to my phone and smiled as I saw a message from Harry.

From Harry

 Hey Beautiful, have a good sleep? xx,

I wasn't going to tell Harry, well not yet anyway, I didn't know if I could trust him, I thought I could but I was so scared to.

From Katie

 Hey Harry, yeah good thanks, what about you? xx

I walked into my walk in wardrobe and grabbed out my maroon gypsy pants, a yellow shirt that had a grey lion on it with bright gold eyes, it was similar to my phone case, I always wore things that covered my scars, they were embarrassing and I hated people starring. I checked my phone again and smiled.

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