Chapter 15, They're back!

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Chapter 15

Katie’s POV,

Today was the day the boys were leaving, they were all leaving from Lou’s so that we could stay with El, we were all really sad about them leaving they were going to be away for 5 months, so by the time they got back El would be 7 months pregnant, thankfully we will be there for El while Lou is away, we decided we would stay over while Lou is away for those 5 months it will be fun.

“Hey” I said walking into El and Lou’s apartment,

“Hey” they all said,

“Where is El?” I asked, then I heard the sounds of someone being sick “Oh”

“I’ll be back” Lou said, heading to the bathroom where El was,

“Do you want a hand?” I asked Liam

“Yes please”  I walked around packing up stuff and putting it in the van, after half an hour they were ready to leave. We all walked out the door, Harry looked down at me,

“I’ll miss you” I said, he wrapped his arms around my waist,

“I’ll miss you to, but I’ll be back, and I will think about you all the time”

“If thinking about me makes you sad don’t think about me” he nodded, I stood on my tippy toes and kissed him, our lips moved in perfect sync.

“Bye” he said

“Bye” I said, us ladies waved goodbye to them, as they drove away. Tears were pouring down all our faces, El ran in the front door covering her mouth. I followed behind her and grabbed a glass of water, and walked into El, her hair was tied in a bun, I grabbed a tissue from the tissue box in her room wiping my tears away, and trying to be there for El. I sat down beside her, rubbing her back, and trying so hard not to cry as Harry had left, but at least I had the girls. She stopped throwing up after a while,

“Sorry” she mumbled,

“Why are you sorry?” I asked

“I’m sorry you have to take care of me” she said

“Oh El, it’s not a problem, that’s why I am here, I’m more than happy to look after you” I said

“Thank you” she leant over and hugged me

“It’s alright, come on, let’s go and watch some movies” El nodded, she stood and then bent back down and threw up, it didn’t take long for her to stop. “What happened?”

“I stood up to quickly”

“Oh dear” I stood up and waited for El to stand up slowly, “Do you want some lunch?” El nodded “What would you like?”

“Egg and lettuce sandwich”

“You hate lettuce”

“My baby doesn’t” I laughed, I walked out and started making an egg and lettuce sandwich and a chicken and lettuce for myself and the other girls. El sat down with her head in her hands,

“You alright?” Danielle asked

“Yeah just a bit of a headache and a tad hungry”

“Want a some medicine?” Perrie asked, she nodded, Perrie handed El the medicine and I handed her, her food and a glass of water.

“You girls are too good to me”

“No we just care” Jess said

“Exactly” I piped in

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