Chapter 2

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There will be some changes or differences in the story from the actual books just to let you know!!

We landed with a thud several yards in front of the Burrow. The kitchen was illuminated warmly with the orange lights of the candles and I assumed Mrs or Mr Wealsey was still awake, minding their own business and probably not even aware that there were people in front of the Weasleys' house.

'Now before I let you two go,' Dumbledore said before Harry and I could step forward. 'I have three things to say. One, I would like both of you to keep your Invisibility Cloaks handy with at all times, even at Hogwarts. Understand?'

'Yes.' We said.

'Two, I would like to take private individual lessons with both of you.' He continued, looking at our eyes carefully. 'I will send both of you a message at school for more details and times. I believe that this'll give you two an advantage for the future.'

'Sounds great, sir.'

'And finally, since you two are staying, the Burrow is under the strongest protection the Ministry could possibly give. Molly and Arthur does not mind, as they care deeply about your safeties, but many things around them or they do in daily life had gotten stricter or not as free as before. Therefore, I suggest both of you two to not go running away into danger and rejecting their kindness and sacrifices they make for you.'

'We understand.'

'Very well.' Dumbledore nodded, seeming to be satisfied. Then looking at the house he said as though he just realised, 'Ah, the lights are on. I expect Molly is still awake.'

Walking swiftly to the door, Dumbledore knocked on the door not too loudly. 'Who is it?' The muffled voice of Mrs Weasley spoke from the other side.

'It is me, Molly.'

Instantly the door flung open. 'Oh Albus! Harry! And my mistress -'

'Sally, Mrs Weasley. Please, just Sally.' I said quickly.

'Oh - um - yes, absolutely. But I wasn't expecting you all till morning!'

'Horace was persuaded quicker than I thought.' Dumbledore said chuckling softly.

'I see...' Mrs Weasley said slowly. 'Well please, come in -'

'Oh no no it's fine. I should get going anyway.' Dumbledore said, waving away the offer.

'Are you sure?'

'I'm very sure, dear Molly.' He nodded. Then he said to all of us, 'I'll see you soon. And take care.'

'Thank you.' Harry said.

'You too, sir.'

'Goodnight, Albus.'

'Good night.'

Then, he Apparated with a crack after walking several steps away swiftly.

'Come in my dears. You need to eat.'

'Thank you Mrs Weasley.'

Both of us stepped into the warm Burrow and followed Mrs Weasley into the kitchen. With a wave of her wand, Mrs Weasley made the frying pans and pots to start cooking.

'Any drinks?' She held up a bottle of Butterbeer.

'Yes please.' Sally smiled.

'Me too.'

As Mrs Weasley poured the drinks into glasses, Harry asked, 'Where's Mr Weasley?'

'He's still at work, but she should be back soon.' She said turning around. 'He's been extremely busy lately: he's been promoted!'

'That's amazing!' Harry beamed, accepting the glass from her as I slightly choked on my drink. I nodded my head and breathed, 'Yeah! Congratulations!'

'Thank you dears.' Mrs Weasley smiled warmly as the smell of sausages and baked potatoes filled the air. 'How's the castle, Sally?'

'It's great.' I said. 'But it would've been better if Harry was there.'

Harry laughed. 'I'll love to be there.'

'Our queen is the best we could ever ask for. She listens and is certainly very fair.' Mrs Weasley nodded, loading two plates with the foods wth the usual amount, which was a lot. Then she placed them in front of Harry and I. 'Tuck in.'

'Thank you very much.'

The room was silent for a while as we ate. My eyes were looking at the grand clock that stood in a corner of the room. The clock, instead of the usual numbers and two handles, had nine handles and words that suggested what they were doing or where they were at that moment. Though all nine handles were pointing at "Mortal Peril".

'Yes, it's been pointing at that for a while now...' Mrs Weasley said, looking at where I was looking.


'But Arthur is quite late -'

At that moment, his handle changed to "Travelling".

'Oh thank goodness!'

Not too long later, the front door opened and Mr Weasley walked into the kitchen.

'Oh - Harry! And Sally! I mean -'

'You don't need to call me in any other name, Mr Weasley.' I smiled.

'I'll take that as a great pleasure.' He smiled back. Then he gave Mrs Weasley a kiss on the cheek.

'Nothing's changed, anyway. It's just the fact I got moved to the castle...' I said.

'Fair enough.' Mr Weasley nodded. 'Anyways, how are you both?'

'Not bad, thanks.' Harry said. 'Yourself?'

'Not too bad either. Though I'm quite tired from all the work.'

'I can't blame you.'

'And congratulations for your promotions.'

Me Weasley laughed softly. 'Thank you very much. Well, if you would excuse me, I should get ready to sleep. See you all tomorrow!'

'Good night.' The three of us said at the same time.

Harry and I finished eating about fifteen minutes later and, following Mrs Weasley, we went upstairs to have some sleep in Fred and George's room ('They're sleeping in their flat above their shop in Diagon Alley' said Mrs Weasley).

When we entered the room, Hedwig, Harry's owl and Santius was standing on their porches and with a single 'hoot' they flew out of the open window together.

'Have a good sleep.' Mrs Weasley said, smiling from the door.

'Thank you.' Harry said, smiling back.

'You too.' I smiled also and Mrs Weasley closed the door.

Facing opposite directions, we quickly got changed into our sleeping gears and climbed onto our beds.

'Good night, Sally.' Harry said and before I could reply with 'Good night.', he collapsed onto the pillow and instantly started to snore.

I thought about writing the reply to his note as I lay in my bed, feeling the cool breeze brush across my face.

Answer my question. Please.

If I answered yes, it would affect me. But if I said no, it sure would hurt him...

But while I was thinking of what to write back, she dozed off.

I had a dream. A dream of a tall teenage boy with white blond hair, looking out of a large window that looked like it was in his room into the dark, starry night. He looked like he was waiting for something, having the expressions of worry, hope and desperation.

Then he looked down to his hands where he held a parchment. It was my previous letter.

'Sally...' He whispered, closing his eyes. 'Please...'

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