Chapter 12

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I know this's like the 12th chapter and whatever but I'm starting to think whether if I should continue with this story any further..?

The first week back went like a blur and like the teachers warned us, the N.E.W.T work is so much more advanced than O.W.Ls.

Like, it's not funny.

Assignments after assignments after assignments after assignments. Ugh.

Draco and I went to the Room of Requirement basically every day after that. The first day we fixed what was clearly broken (the door for instance) and on the others day, we tested it with apples which Draco smuggled out of the Great Hall to see how broken the connection was. The connection was horrible: the first time we tried, we had a mushy pile of apples come back to us. Going to the Room from the dungeons was a great effort too, especially when we were trying not to be seen or at least be thought suspicious. Bt so far, it was going well.

But ever since I noticed that the scent of his cologne was coming out from the Armotentia, I found myself stealing looks/glances at him occasionally and felt tingles in my stomach whenever I was near him, which pretty much was mostly through out the day.

Right now I was going up the stairs hurriedly, heading towards the Headmaster's office for my first lesson with him.

'Acid pops.'

The gargoyle leaped to the side, allowing me access to the office.

'Come in.' I heard his voice over the large oak door after I had knocked. 'Ah Sally, thank you thank you.' Dumbledore said when he saw me through the now-open door. I saw that Harry was already there.

'Have I kept you both?' I quickly asked, closing the door.

'No no not at all Sally.' Dumbledore said smiling which I returned.

'Well do take a seat.' He said, motioning to an empty chair next to Harry in front of him. 'Now,' Dumbledore began as soon as I sat down. 'I believe you two were wondering why I have both of you together tonight, as I did mention having lessons with each of you individually.'

Harry and I nodded honestly.

'Well, the reason is because I have something that I should show both of you at the same time, as the starting point of everything I am about to teach you each in the future, starts from here.'

'Like you guessed.' Harry said to me, smiling.

'I have told both of you about what I know about the prophecy, about you two and Voldemort. However, for us to gain more knowledge and allow us to do some guess work, yes, it'll mainly be guess work, these lessons, we will need to look at other people's memories or pasts. And now, what I mean by showing you is,' Dumbledore pointed his wand towards a cabinet and a familiar object slid out from the opening doors. 'by this.'

Dumbledore stood up and Harry and I followed him. On the way, Dumbledore swiftly picked up a tiny vial which contained someone's valuable memory of Voldemort's past.

'This,' He said, holding up the small vial so that Harry and I could see it clearer. 'Is a memory of Bob Ogden, who was employed by the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and I believe this is the best place for us to start our... Journey.'

Ignoring our confused looks, Dumbledore opened the vial with a flick of his wand and tipped the substance into the Pensive.

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