Chapter 3

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The main storyline and the majority of the characters in this book is inspired and belongs to J.K. Rowling!!

I got woken up with a loud bang ringing in the room.

'Hermione!' The voices of Harry and Ron shouted.

As I slowly sat up, Hermione's voice winced, 'I - I squeezed it and - and it exploded!'

'Don't worry, mum would probably know how to fix it.' Ron sounded like he was trying to bite down a laugh.

'Oh - morning Sally.' Harry said from his bed.

'Morning.' I mumbled as I rubbed my eyes. 'Hi Ron, Hermione.'

'Hey.' Ron said.

'Hi Sally.' Hermione smiled and I smiled back.

'Here's your breakfast. It should still be warm.' Ron handed me a tray with a plate full of bacon, eggs and toast.

'Thank you.' I said, accepting the tray. 'Oh Hermione -'

Her eye had turned black.

'Is it bad...?' She asked, slightly panicked. I noticed that she had a telescope with a mini punching mitt on the edge of a spring held in her hand.

'Well...' The three of us said slowly. 'Yeah...'

'But like I said, mum can probably fix it. If she can't, we're going to Diagon Alley so Fred and George should be able to.' Ron said. 'We'll be going there when we get our owls anyway.'

'Well I hope that'll be soon!' Hermione whined.

'Then that means we'll get our O.W.L results...' I said quietly and nervously.

'Oh no! No, I'm not ready for that!!!'

But her earlier wish became true five minutes later. 'Hey, isn't that -?'

'Oh my goodness!' Hermione squealed. 'Oh my goodness! No!'

Four owls were flying towards our direction and they all had an envelope attached on one of their legs. I, whilst to had have lost my words and was closest to the window, opened it (somehow it closed during the night). The owls flew in one by one, dropped the letters on their addressee's laps (next to them for Harry and I) and flew out again. The room was silent for about a minute until Ron ripped open the envelope.

'The list and...' He pulled out two parchments. 'The results...'

'No no no no no no no no no no no no no no!' Hermione squealed quietly as she opened the envelope with trembling hands. Harry followed her actions but I stared at it for another moment before opening it. I didn't glance at the shopping list and looked straight at my O.W.L results. It wrote:

Ancient Runes: O
Arithmancy: O
Astronomy: O
Care of Magical Creatures: O
Charms: O
Defence Against the Dark Arts: O
Herbology: O
History of Magic: O
Potions: O
Transfiguration: O

I sighed heavily in relief as I leaned back against the bed.

'How did you all go?' Harry asked, looking around.

'Not bad. Here, swap.' Ron said, handing him his results.

'What about you, Hermione?' I asked.

'I... Um, okay, I suppose...' She said slowly. 'How about you?'

'Pretty good actually.'

'"Actually"?' Ron said, raising his eyebrows as he leaned over to look at my results. 'Change that to "Obviously". We all knew you were going to get all Os.'

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