Chapter 16

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Author's Note
Thanks so much for reading this story!

Just a head's up for the future chapter/s; I've changed Quidditch slightly. Just the positions! I added another Seeker, so there'll be two Seekers in each team. Also I added the "Diamond Snitch" which worth 200 points and is slightly faster than the Golden Snitch.

Hope you guys don't mind that :)

I was quite surprised that the news about Draco and I hadn't gone around the school by the next morning. I suppose everyone was busy minding their own business in the Slytherin common room last night, or maybe one of our friends threatened the younger/few older students not to talk about it out side in the corridors, I don't know.

A part of me was just glad that our relationship hadn't reached the Gryffindors' ears.

But every now and then, Willow and Lynn will nudge and smirk at me when we saw Draco or he came next to me.

Also Ed was bugging me, partially about Draco but mostly about Quidditch trials that was coming up very soon.

'Are you going to try out or what?' He asked me for the hundredth time today.

'Like I said Ed, I don't know.'

'Sally, the trials's on Thursday and I need to your answer like, right now.' He was the captain for the Slytherin team so he was a busy boy this year.

Ed and I both inherited Quidditch skills from our parents: Ed inherited dad's Chaser skills and I got mum's Seeker skills.

'Draco's signed up, you know.'

Yes I knew. He only did that so some people wouldn't suspect or think that it was odd Draco Malfoy didn't sign up for Quidditch.

I didn't say anything though: I just looked at my brother's pleading eyes.

'Please?' He pouted in a way that would've made any girl swoon.

I sighed shortly before replying, 'Okay fine. I'm up.'

'Yes! He threw his arms around me but soon let go. 'I'll put you down on the list then!' And he skipped/rushed off towards the Royal's room.

'Looks like you've finally signed up for the trials.' I looked around to see Willow. She was also a Chaser in the Slytherin team for the past four years and guaranteed she's going to get in this year again.

'Took your time.' Lynn settled herself next to me on the couch as Willow sat down on the arm chair that was occupied by Ed moments ago.

'Why don't you try out Evelynn?' I teased her.

'Oh shut up - you know why.' She rolled her eyes, causing Willow and I to chuckle.

Lynn was a passionate Quidditch fan and knew all about it but she was horrific at playing the sport. And I mean, horrific.

'Apparently Blaise's signed up for Chaser and Seeker too.' Willow dropped her voice.

'What do you mean, he signed up for both?' I made creases between my eyebrows.

'Yeah. He wants Seeker the most -'

'Oh I wonder why.' Lynn scoffed.

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