Chapter 16 - Facing DarkWaters part 2

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The Adventures of Princess Annie - Chapter 16 - Facing DarkWaters part 2

As soon as the guards left, the Duke of DarkWaters approached her and grabbed her wrist. Annie tried to get away but couldn't. She had already decided not to use her powers at first, she wanted to know fist hand just what the Duke did. Would he use his magic against a defenseless girl? And just how powerful was he really? She needed to find out.

-Oh, no girlie, you are not going anywhere! You are in my hands and you will do as I say!

- My lord, please let me go! Please!

- Your words are useless. I will do what I want and you will comply!

The Duke's eyes started shinning a bright orange and on his right hand he formed a ball of fire.

"He wants to scare me. He uses his powers to intimidate his victims". The Princess needed to keep him talking.

- What are you going to do with me?

At her words, the Duke laughed, shut his hand, extinguishing the flame, and smirked.

- I'll use you and then I'll make you disappear. Do you know how long it takes for a person to be burned alive? I've been experimenting with that and I've learned how to ensure you don't black out quickly. However, if you follow my orders, maybe I'll let you die quickly.

- Why would you kill me? I have done nothing wrong to you.

- Death is a part of life my sweet. Don't you know that? Even the greatest men have to die some day, so why shouldn't you?

Before Annie could answer, they heard horses coming closer. "Not now! Layla, what have you done?" They both looked to source of the noise and saw two guards arriving on horseback. "I need to protect them, they don't stand a chance against the Duke!"

On closer inspection she recognized two of her personal guards. It was Henry who spoke first.

- What is going on here?!

The Duke couldn't hide his surprise at seeing two royal guards interfering, bug he quickly masked his feelings and glared at them.

- None of your business, Knight. Go away!

- I will, once you release the girl and hand her over me.

"Not good, not good at all". Annie had kept silence during this short exchange but now she knew it was time to make a move. Then, she saw a short light appear, and that's when she saw it: a bright flame was on the Duke's hand and he was aiming it at Henry.

Annie screamed and launched herself at the Duke without thinking, purely on instinct. The Duke, taken by surprised, stumbled and the ball of flame missed its target. The young guard soon recovered from the shock and yelled at the villain who had almost killed him.

- It's a crime of treason to attack a Royal Guard! What do you have to say for yourself?!

Inside, Henry was frightened and quite aware that he was no match against DarkWaters. However, he had been trained to face dangerous situations and so he focused on his goal and tried to look as intimidating as possible.

- It's only a crime if the guard lives to tell the tale.

- Are you threatening to kill me, my Lord?

The Duke laughed in his face, and then answered firmly.

- Oh, yes, young guard. I will kill you and your friend too. Then I'll have my way with the girl and kill her too. Are you satisfied with my answer or do I have to spell it out for you?

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2013 ⏰

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