Chapter 4

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The King was the first to react.

- I knew it! You really are a Gifted One!

 Annie was getting more and more confused. How could he had known that and what was a "Gifted One".? Her hands were shaking, she was nervous and everyone seemed to know something she didn't. She felt left out and she didn't understand what was going on.   

Her mother took her in her arms, kissed gently her cheek and said: "don't worry darling, all will be explained". Annie relaxed in her mother's arms and turned to her father waiting for an explanation.

The adventures of Princess Annie - Chapter 4

The King looked at his daughter and started to explain.

- Gifted Ones are rare, that's why not everybody knows they exist. They are special because Nature chooses them and give them incredible powers. Some you have already mentioned: the ability to make fire and attract metal. Others are less flashy, for example, the ability to learn quickly and remember things with ease. That's why I suspected you were a Gifted One, you're not only a genius in academic matters, but also in other areas like cooking or dancing. Usually people don't excel in everything they do. Besides all Gifted Ones are brave, selfless and generous. Heard those adjectives lately? 

Annie was in shock, sure she was smart, but a genius? And those adjective that the King mentioned and that had been used to describe her in the newspaper seemed to be to big for her. However she couldn't deny she had special powers and that seemed like a large responsibility.

The Queen saw her daughter scared and spoke.

- Sweety, don't be worried. We know of a Gifted One that lives in our Kingdom. We'll ask him to come. You'll learn from the best. 

- But from what you've told me, he must be a very important and busy man, I don't want to interrupt his work. 

- You won't, this is part of his job description. It's in Nature's interest that you learn to use your gifts wisely.

- What's his name?

- Sir George of the Blue Lake.

The man the Queen mentioned was famous for his generosity and bravery, but Annie had no idea he was also powerful.

- Do Gifted Ones hide their powers?

- Not always, you will be able to make that choice, but for now it'd be better if this was kept as a family secret.

After the meeting, Annie wandered around the palace lost in her thoughts. After deep reflection, she came to an important conclusion: she wouldn't have time for another tutor if she didn't give up one or more of her studies while she learned to control her powers. She took paper and pencil and started listing her hobbies and studies.

"Baking and cooking will have to be reserved for special occasions", she thought with sadness, "and I've already surpassed my Mathematics teacher knowledge in that subject, so I might as well stop those lessons, at least until there's someone with greater knowledge... I already know the Geography of this Kingdom and its neighbors, but that's not enough, I'll ask dad to replace my tutor with sailors and explorers. What about History? Lately, my History tutor hasn't been teaching me anything I hadn't learned already... I should probably drop that too and instead attend some meetings at the Throne Room... Etiquette and Dance will definitely have to be dropped, at least as

permanent subjects, although I'm willing to get a lesson if another Royal family ever visits us or if we travel outside the Kingdom..."

She continued changing her schedule until it seemed open enough for her new lessons about her gifts. The idea was starting to attract her more and more, and she knew just how important it would be to take her talents seriously. She didn't want to be dangerous, she wanted to do good in the world.

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