Chapter 12

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The adventures of Princess Annie - Chapter 12

Annie had been worried about the effects on Marianne's decision would have on Prince James, but, as he had said, he moved on. It took some time of course, but being a Prince meant he had a lot of work to do and little time to think about his love life. Soon, he started to behave like himself again. If anything, the experience had made him more mature.

Annie, on the other hand kept working on gaining more control of her gifts. She had discovered that she could breathe under water and that she could become as light as a feather. She didn't, however, come up with new uses for her gifts, which was quite frustrating.

While having breakfast one day, she received a message from the Count di Acurio, inviting her to a ball in honor of the Countess' birthday. The King and Queen were invited too, and so was James, but only Annie was going to be able to attend the ball. The following days were spent choosing the right gown and packing her luggage. Though Annie wasn't usually fond of balls, she was eager to see her old friends again.


Annie arrived at the palace of Count di Acurio a day before the ball. She was received with great love by the Count and Countess.

With a wave she said goodbye and left the kitchen, wishing she could stay and prepare something herself. However, now that everybody knew she was a Gifted One, people were always paying attention at her actions and it made her feel uncomfortable.

She then went to the garden to walk before lunch. While she was there, she saw another early arrival.

- Dear Layla! I didn't know you would be here! What a nice surprise.

Layla, the daughter of the Duke of Amberville, turned around gracefully and when she saw Annie she ran to her and gave her a hug.

- My dear Princess. So much has happened since the last time we met, I'm so pleased to see you here looking well.

- Thank you, you look dashing, dear friend.

Layla laughed.

- I thank you for the compliment, though I meant to say that I'm glad to see you are alive and healthy. Father has told me all about your adventures, and I must say I admire your courage.

Annie smiled. Many said that they admired her, but they sounded fake. Layla on the other hand, sounded honest and she was glad she had met her.

The rest of the day, Layla and Annie spent their time together. Talking about their lives and having fun together. It was easy to relax around Layla. Annie usually felt that people judged her, but Layla wasn't like that. She knew how to listen and give advice. Annie found herself liking her a lot. Finally, by the end of the day, just before dinner, she told her about John. Layla listened with interest. At the end of Annie's tale, Layla took her hands in hers and told her that her secret was safe with her. "Love", she said, "is something to be cherished, but it's not easy to find nor to keep safe. You must be strong and believe in your connection with John." Annie nodded, sensing the truth of her words.


The next day, the girls had breakfast with the Countess and Count. After that, they sat around a coffee table and gave their gifts to the Countess.

Layla had brought a lovely painting of the Countess set in a gold frame. It was lovely and very well done. Annie gave her a beautiful crystal vase. The Countess thanked them and then received the gift from her husband: a very elegant emerald ring. She was ecstatic, specially because it was perfect with the dress she had chosen for the ball.

The rest of the day was spent preparing the palace for the ball. Annie went to see the kitchen and found everybody running around. The baker saw her and bowed politely. Then everybody's attention was on her and they all greeted the Princess.

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