Chapter 10

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See, I figured I'd publish this chapter along with the last one, cause it's the same thing...only in Gavin's POV, so.....yeah. To get THAT overwith......hehehehe.



So we're in the middle of talking, and the fucking peep window opens. The security guy looked in longer than usual this time. I knew he was getting suspicous of me.
Then he starts asking about the trash bowl? Why? I'm supposed to have uninterrupted time, for all this money. What the hell.
And then it hit me.
The trash bowl.
I was naked, and that was great, but there was no semen or a condom in the trash bowl. For me to have done anything with her, there'd be evidence in there. And there's NOT. It's clean and empty.
Why didn't we think of that? I mean...I don't know what I would have done to make semen or a used condom in there anyway, but....we would have worked something out.
Shit. Fuck. SHIT.

The security guy finally got to the point of what he was trying to say, which was that I haven't used any condoms or ejaculated in any way the past three nights.
This was BAD.
He came in yelling shit to me. Degrading Gwen, making me want to punch my fist through his neck. How dare he call her trash. And a whore. She wouldn't have chosen this life if it weren't for him and the assholes he works for.
I clenched my fists at my sides, and I knew that right now was when I needed to exert perfect, control over my temper which was rising fast. Because if I fucked this up, I'd never get to come back here for Gwen and the others again. This would be the last night she didn't have to have sex all night long. This would be her last break. And, they might end up taking it all out on her, beating her....who knows. Possibly to death. I had to chose my words wisely, and not flip out and beat the shit out of this guy.
For Gwen.

Poor Gwen. I could see all hope disappearing in her eyes. The first night I'd come here, she'd seemed totally hopeless. But the last two nights, she's come a long way, for her situation. She seems to have a small spark in her eyes though now, especially tonight. It's like she's coming alive...being revived, right before my eyes, however slowly. She'd even smiled for me! It was a really tiny hint of a smile, but I know it was a smile, and it was probably a lot of work for her to do. She might not even remember how to smile, for all I know.
But now...I couldn't see the spark in Gwen's eyes. This duche bag had just taken it away. She'd had hope. Hope of a better life. She'd had a friend in me. Well, I hoped she considered me a friend. She even told me the entire story of her encounter with the strangler last night, and didn't say that she let herself choke too long, hoping she could last through it and die, like when she told me about him the first night. This was a big thing, whether she knew it or not.
And now...I might never get to see her again.
Not that I'd stop working on getting her out of here. I'd send in a friend if I had to. I'd call in the fucking Marines. I'd still get her and the other girls out of here. Don't get me wrong. It's just that she wouldn't know about it until it happened. And she would have to have sex all night, every night, without me to give her a break when I could "buy her" for the night.

When Gus pulled his fucking pants down, I knew what he was going to do. Right in front of me. That sick twisted fucking pervert.
Sure enough, he made Gwen suck his dick. He wanted to "show me" how it's done here. Show me what I'm supposed to be doing. Show me that she's not my imaginary girlfriend or some shit.
Was I supposed to be turned on by him forcing his dick down her throat, and push him away and stick mine down instead? Does it actually work that way for some men? My God, the life she's had. It's one thing to hear the stories, but seeing her actually get r&ped in the mouth....and it WAS r&pe. She was not doing this willingly. She'd never had sex willingly in her entire life. She's been r&ped every single day for how many years, I wondered.
I started to get more and more pissed off, but I kept my composure with all I had inside of me.
My heart dropped all the way to my feet, with a hard thud, it felt like, when he rammed himself into her mouth violently. Poor girl was gagging everywhere. And he trapped her mouth on himself, and she could barely breathe. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't beat him up. Everything would go wrong.
When Gus slapped her head, that was when I couldn't do nothing anymore. I can't STAND to see a girl being hit. Let alone what else he was doing... It's just not right. Women are totally innocent on this Earth.
All they want is to be loved and cared for. All they want is to raise their babies and have a happy family. All they want is love, for all they do for the human race. They just want love back.
And all they get in this life, is shit on for the most part. They get blamed for not raising their kids, if they need to work. They get shamed for breast feeding their babies like nature intended. They get blamed for holding the family back if they DON'T work, but stay home with the kids. They get paid less in the work place.
They get constantly used by men. They get r&ped. Abused. Picked on. Held down.......
They are mere sex objects for most men. She's right, when she says she hates men. She's absolutely right. Most men ARE assholes, just looking to stick their dick in someone.
But if I can get her out of here, she'll hopefully find a great man someday. And I'll make sure he's great. Because I'll be her friend for life, and I'll watch any man that comes near her like a fucking hawk......or any woman in her life. She just might fall that way, the way she hates men.

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