Chapter 22

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Deez nuts.
Had to say it. For no reason.
Shit. Looks like another lonnnnnnng chapter! Really sorry about that! I thought I split all my long ones up in half. Apparently I missed quite a few. I noticed chapter 21 was like 54 pages! Hehehe...oops? I'm really sorry about the long chapters. (Even though I'd love it if it was a story I was into!)


I got to Gwen's home as soon as I could. I'd told the counselors I'd stay away for at least one day, but I just couldn't go another day. I'd barely texted Gwen, because I didn't know what I was doing yet. If I was going to visit her today or not. If I texted her, she might ask me, and I wouldn't know what to say.
I had spent yesterday cleaning my flat, doing a little grocery shopping, and just laying around during the day. At night I decided to call a few friends and instead of meeting them at a pub, they came over and we drank and acted like asses all night with horror movies on in the background. It was fun. It was manly. We jammed a little. We laughed. We drank way too much. It felt good.
Well, until we woke up the next morning. One guy was on the floor, one was on the couch, and I was across my bed the wrong way. It didn't feel good anymore. NoPe. It sure didn't.

When I got the guys up, we all made a shitty ass breakfast that we burned, and they left together. I cleaned up and showered, and dressed. I decided I couldn't stay away from Gwen today, and I texted her that I'd be there at noon. I missed her too much. Yesterday had been the first day I hadn't seen her at all, in.....over a month? I don't even know. A long time.
I wrote some lyrics, and arranged some chords for a while to pass the time, then finally it was time to go. I just wanted to see Gwen's smiling face. I hoped she had some quality time with the girls finally, without me interfering.

I walked in, and just a few of the girls were in the living room. "She's in the shower. There's something wrong with her", Tearsa said nonchalantly when she looked up and saw me walk in.
What the.....hell? "What do you mean something wrong with her? With Gwen?" I asked, in a sudden panic now. If there was something wrong with her, why was she sitting so calmly, painting her nails with Jackie?
I didn't even wait for an explanation from her. I ran out of the living room and up the stairs. I glanced in Gwen's room quickly as I passed it to go to the attic stairs. I ran up them, taking two at a time, and at the top, was Jodi, Meem, and some of the other girls. The blonde girl....Bella? She was talking through the door of the bathroom, while everyone stood around her.

"Gwen please! Just unlock the door, and I'll come in by myself. I just want to talk to you. Just let us know if you're alright at least!" she yelled through.

"What is happening? What's wrong with Gwen? Please!" I asked frantically. They didn't even know if she was alright in there? She could be laying there dead.......

Bella turned around, and was relieved to see me. Meem looked shocked to see me. Jodi got right to talking, thank God, cause I was about to ask again, louder and meaner.

"Gwen had a hard day yesterday. She got picked on from some of the girls, and felt left out, and she was late to wake up and she said everything she tried to do yesterday, she messed up, and then you told her you weren't coming, and she was sad because she needed you. I told her it was our fault you didn't come. She understood....I talked to her just a while ago out on the porch, and I thought she seemed fine. But then she came in and someone said another girl was mean to her, and she dropped a glass it broke all over the floor, and someone cut their foot, and Gwen ran out of the kitchen in tears.
We guess she went in to take her shower, since she was late again this morning, but she's been in there for over an hour now, and she won't open up. We just got up here. We didn't know she was in the shower that long, until someone came up to their bedroom as she went in, and came up here again just a few minutes ago."

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