Chapter 33

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Hi. Gonna try and publish a LOT today.
Gettin' this shizz donzo!!

About a month later...


"Ok Mrs. Travis, I'll see you tomorrow then. Thank you. That was chapters five and six, right?" I wrote down my homework assignment for reading/writing, and closed my book. I had two days to read the chapters. I learned two major subjects a day, alternating days. Math and Science one say and the next was English and Social Studies. And other minor classes stuck in each day. I was enjoying school. It felt good to be learning again. I didn't mind the homework or the time put in to study and do assignments at all. Gavin didn't either. He was so supportive, and he always tried to help me if I got stuck on something. He said I was pretty much on my own with Maths though because that was his worst subject. When I'd have a lot of work to do some nights, he'd make dinner for us. He was so awesome all the time, in every way. Not to mention the constant sex we had for the past month. We couldn't stay off of each other. Well, it was mostly me not being able to stay off of him, really. He told me all the time I was gonna kill him if I made him fuck me one more time.
Now that I could CHOOSE to have that I LIKED sex, now that I could have all of Gavin whenever I wanted, I couldn't stop! He didn't mind all the sex though. He was happy to "provide", he said. No actual complaints. He initiated it half the time, whether he admits it or not. It wasn't just me. I swear!! He told me he was starting to think that I was using HIM for sex, like he was afraid to do to me in the beginning. I told him to suck it up and do his job. Which was to please me whenever I needed.
So then he ripped my pants down and pleased me, right then and there.

Therapy was going pretty good, also. I was pretty much done describing the intimate, gritty details of my past 7 years of sex with strange men, so I was happy with that. We were getting into how I got along with the girls at the home and all that.
I had visited them again once, too. Gavin had stuff to do so he dropped me off one day, and I spent the day there. It was nice, but I felt...restricted again. I told them next time they had to visit me and we could have more fun.

Gavin's two friends that I met had come over a few times since I'd first met them. Once they came over together, and Paul brought his girlfriend, so it was nice to have a girl around to hang out with when she was here. Paul and her weren't that serious though, so I didn't know if I'd even ever see her again. She seemed really really freaked out and excited all night that she was in Gavin's flat. Hanging out with Gavin, cause he's famous. I mean, he's not THAT famous, he said. People generally either don't recognize him or leave him alone most of the time when we're out. But some people seem to really be into him and they make a big deal. He likes it though. He's nice to everyone and gives them autographs and takes selfies with them all. He's not tabloid famous though, he said. I'm not really sure what tabloids are, but Gavin said they suck.

I was starting to become good friends and be really comfy around Nate now. He's a really nice guy. Nate couldn't get over the Larry, aka "Strangler" story. He told Gavin he wouldn't have been able to stop beating him if that were him. Gavin agreed, but because I pulled him off, he got back to his senses and realized he couldn't just kill him or he'd go to jail.
Speaking of jail, we had a small trial for the other guy who attacked me, that survived. Turns out the one who died was the one I had hit in the head with a rock. It was a big rock and I had hit him in a certain weak spot in his temple that caused his brain to bleed and his skull to crack and a bunch of horrible stuff.
So Gavin and I now know that I technically killed someone. That was another solemn and strange moody night for us when we found out. I cried a lot, and Gavin cried for me, with me. And he held me and rocked me and hummed to me a lot that night, too, which helped a lot. I was just glad that it ended up being me who did it and not Gavin. He didn't deserve to live with that.
But in the end, the guy had done other bad things and showed no signs of being a better person, so Gavin and I figured I saved some other victim or victims from trouble. That's how I had to place it into my mind so it didn't drive me crazy. It still bothers me sometimes though. My therapist helps me deal with it though.

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