Chapter 59

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I was out of breath. Still crying. Panting. Coughing from the dry soreness in my throat.
Gavin sat there, holding me pinned to the bed, looking down at me, just waiting. Patiently waiting for me to calm down.
I was trying to. But it was hard.

Gavin looked around the room and spotted Nate. I'd forgotten Nate was probably still in here.
He was sitting over by the closet, where I think he was tossed, by Gavin. I was pretty sure Gavin had pushed him off of me and off the bed and across the room. I knew that Gavin was strong as shit when he needed to be.

"Nate....go bring some water, will you?" Gavin demanded.

Nate slowly got up and slunk out of the room. Gavin looked mad, worn out, and....shit! He had a small smear of blood under his nose, and a drip of blood coming from his lip.
Fuck. I'd done that to him. I made him bleed.
My guilt "sobered" me up from my insanity. I still felt foolish and tricked and stupid. But I realized how crazy I had been, and I'd hurt the very person I loved more than anything or anyone in the entire Universe. Even if he knew I was a whore. Even if he tricked me into thinking I could live a real life, with real people. I still loved him dearly, and knowing I'd physically hurt him was now tearing me up inside.

"I hurt're bleeding......I'm s..........I......I'm so stupid Gavin...." I panted.

Nate walked in with a bottle of water, and took off the cap and handed it to Gavin.
"Alright. If I let you loose, will you stay calm?" he asked me sternly.
I scrunched my eyebrows and frowned like a little child in trouble. "Fine."

Gavin loosened his grip on me cautiously, and started backing off of my body. He stayed close, though. Kneeling next to me on the bed.
I sat up slowly, with my hands up like a criminal.
He handed me the water bottle, and I took a few sips.
God, I'd needed that. I didn't realize just how sore and dry my throat and mouth were until the water coated it. I could feel it roll down my throat.
I took a few more sips, then I noticed Nate, standing next to the bed.

I looked up at him, and he was looking down at me. He had fresh tears in his eyes, and his cheeks were soaked and red. He looked defeated and exhausted. He too had blood on his lip, and a few bloody scratches across his face.

I'd made them both bleed.

I'm a horrible person. A nothing. A nobody. Who was tricked into trying to be a somebody.
Well the joke was up.

"Fuck you Nate", I said calmly and straight to his face.
I heard a gaspy sob come from Nate when he'd realized what I'd said to him.
Without even thinking, I shook my water bottle towards him, and most of the water splashed out right on his chest and arm.

Gavin's head whipped towards Nate's. Then back to me, eyes wide, wanting to know just what the HELL was going on.
"Can someone PLEASE tell me what the FUCK happened? I was gone for HOUR??" Gavin yelled.

"He called me a slut", I blurted out, giving him a death stare as I tattled.

Gavin's face fell. His jaw slacked, and his eyes flinched like someone tried to hit him.

"Nate? Wh.....w....why????" Gavin said, seeming almost like he was going to cry.

"I didn't....I mean, I did. I said it. But I didn't mean it. I was angry......she was angry.....she knows I don't mean it. How could I mean it? I'm sorry Gwen. I'm...."

Nate stopped talking when he noticed Gavin get off the bed, his eyes never leaving Nate.
"What. the. FUCK. Did you do Nate?" Gavin said a really threatening voice, right up at Nate's face.

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