Chp 29 - Jason's POV

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Jason's Flashback

Are you sure this is going to work?

It has to. You said you want to learn how to be me.

Fine. These clothes are good?

It's really weird watch someone change my clothes, but yes, they are.

His phone lit with a text from Kyle, saying he was waiting outside.


"Hey, thanks for giving me a ride"

"No problem. Hope your car can be fixed"

"I hope it's nothing bad too, I'll know tomorrow when I take it to the workshop"

"If you need help, just text me"

"I'll remember this"

He's a nice guy. I could be friends with him.

Why don't you then?

He kissed my girlfriend.

He kissed Trish, not Piper. It's not his fault your girlfriend possessed a body that it wasn't hers. If he so much suspected I had anything with Trish, he wouldn't kiss her. But I never did, so get over it.

I'll try.

Good, because he's one of my best friends. He offered a ride when we needed. And he's one more thing going for him: he doesn't bully Felix either.

Fine, he's a good guy and a loyal friend, got it. No need to make me feel even more guilty.


These guys are awesome!

I told you, they're my friends.

It's amazing how they set everything up just to cheer a guy who broke up with his girlfriend.

We always do it.

If they worry about a friend being sad because he CHOSE to broke up with a girl, how can they bully a guy like Frank? I mean, Felix.

Really, we're having such a good time, you had to ruin it with this subject again?

I'm serious. It's obvious the things they say to him hurts, so why do they do it?

I don't know, I don't think about it.

That's the point. If you're the bullied, that's ALL you'd think about. Maybe if everyone was the bullied for a week, the world would know how bad it can be, and this would be erradicated.

You know this is utopic, right? The world is not perfect. And it can't be.

So what, we should just accept all the wrongs about it and do nothing? We shouldn't try to change the world and make it a better place? Why do you practice football so much? Why do you try differents plays? Because you're trying to improve your team. You want to make it better, something you can be proud of. I fought against monters, titans and giants, because I believed that would make the world a better place. A safer place, for mortals and demigods. We need to believe we're capable of doing something good, something to be proud of. Or we might as well give up already. Without hope, we're nothing. I don't know about you, but I won't give up. I'm a hero because I have the courage to stand up and do what's needed, and I'll keep doing it.

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