Will's Flashback
W: What? Lucy, how did you do that?
L: What? The picture? Don't you know how to use your phone's camera?
W: No that! Nanni laugh!
L: Don't get your hopes high. He was laughing of my disgrace. Still, it's better than nothing.
L: Got to go, he's trying to escape me. Ha! Silly him to think he had a chance. Bye!
Flashback over, back to present
Where are we going?
I want to talk to Nico.
And what? Talk to him about the picture? You know he'll NEVER trust Lucy after that, right? Not that he trusts her, still...
Yeah, got it. I still want to talk to him.
WHAT!? And ruin my reputation!? Lucy and Sharon already know that you care, actually, they think that I care, and that's more than enough. Turn around!
If you're going after Nico, you need to go after Trevor for me then.
You can't make me.
Should I start to sing Single Ladies again?
Will stopped dead in his tracks.
You wouldn't...
You're right, it's overused. I can sing a mashup of Lady Gaga, how about that? Can you imagine the headache that's going to follow?
That's low...
You forced my hand.
Your hand? What hand? The one that I'm controling?
You got my message. NO. GOING. AFTER. NICO. AT SCHOOL.
Fine. Can I just check on him?
What did I just say?
I won't talk to him, just see him. In the distance.
As long as you don't stare for more than one second.
It's better than nothing.
See, there's your gothic. He's fine.
Really? Why can't you call him Nico? Or Nanni?
Be thankful I didn't say sick pale weirdo again.
I guess this is an improvement... Oh, is that, Claire? What about talk to her?
Sure, just ruin my reputation even more!
Glad we agree.
Will was smiling while walking to Claire, but before he could attract the other girl's attention, he heard a grunt behing him.
A Different Reality (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)
ספרות חובביםWhat if our favorites demigods went to sleep one night, just to wake up in another reality? One where there are no demigods, no prophecies, where they didn't even like each other? Can they find a way to come back? Would they survive high school on t...