Things that happen while sitting in an examination hall etc

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Hello lovely people of the sacred W orange land. We are now gathered here to giggle like a teenager high on sugar and squint on our seat and to make the people around us question our sanity.

Today's ranting session is "Things that happen while sitting in an examination hall"

I got the idea to rant about this topic because my internals just got over yesterday and we all know what kind of things happen in an exam hall.

There are so many kinds of invigilators but the ones I dislike the most in the lot are the ones who are stuck in their la la land.

I remember this incident that happened to me in school. I was having my accounts exam that day and I was super tensed because I am allergic to numbers and stuffs so I just wanted the question paper in my hands asap so I could sit and analyse if I would be passing that exam or not.

The teacher in the hall waltzed in the room without any care in the world taking over the place of a teacher who was in charge to spy on us because she was hungry or something I don't remember. So this Waltz lady slows down her pace and hands out the question paper to each student ONE BY ONE! Like the bell rang but this lady was walking slower than the fastest speed of a turtle and she was staring at the paper in her hands then handed out to the student in front of her. A few students at the front of the row became restless and she just snatched the paper and passed on the papers to her peer.

"How dare you snatch the papers from me? GIVE IT BACK! IT IS MY DUTY TO HAND IT OUT" that lady was fuming with rage and we were like 10 minutes have passed since the bell rang and you would have handed out like what, 5 papers? We would have completed the papers by the time you hand them over to the whole class. LOL!

There are some kinds of teachers who give you a look that speaks like "I am watching you like a fucking hawk. You breathe on your neighbors papers; I will rip out your nonexistent balls." And to top it off they randomly stop stalking the kids and decide to *gasps* COME AND STAND RIGHT NEXT TO YOU AND OH THE HORROR! THEY LOOK AT YOUR PAPER!

You flat out your palms and elbows trying to obstruct your answers from her view and the teacher still doesn't get the hint and tries to sneak a glance. Lol

There will be this one person who would be having a I don't give a damn attitude and writes the exam like a boss while there are a few sets of people who be like Oh my gosh, I don't know anything. I am going to fail. This exam is going to bring me nothing but shame and then the rest of the normal people fall in the in between category.

"I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING. I DIDN'T PREPARE EVEN A WORD" this line will definitely be screamed by those kids who always score in the top category and when they receive the papers they would be like "I swear I didn't study. I don't know how I got it. Oh you got 60 below? It's ok better luck next time. Marks are just numbers on papers."

Oh fucking no! These people are hypocrites! I knew a girl who used to *coughs* Console her peers who used to get average grades and for one exam she got like 94/100 and she STARTED CRYING SAYING THAT HER INTELLIGENCE HAS BEEN DISCRAGED. SHE CRIED BECAUSE SHE SCORED A BLOODY 94 ON 100!

Ok back to the topic in hand.

Annoying people next to you during an exam!

You! Yes you reading this you are also one of them. *squints an evil eye on you*

Not even once I have got a normal exam partner. Lol. Most of the time the girls (I studied in an all girls school and I am studying in an all girls college) Next to me have made me cringe in fear and I wanted to crawl in a hole and never return back.

There was a time where a hyper energetic bunny sat next to me and I blossomed in happiness thinking that I got a nice partner while writing my exam for the first time but oh, I was so very wrong. That girl made a chirpy face and took out my stationery without even asking me if she could use it and she never returned it. SHE JUST SNATCHED IT! After the exams got over I was like "Yo chicka, you borrowed a lot of stuffs from me but I need them back now" Her sugary smile was replaced with a frown and she screamed a "MINE" and can you imagine what she did next? She took my Pencil and pen in her mouth! HER SALIVA LATCHED ITSELF AND I WAS LIKE YOU HAVE THEM FOREVER and she gave me a sugary smile and I sneakily snatched back my used angry bird's eraser when she wasn't looking. Lol. I did a non-agree mental barter system but I didn't know what to do so don't judge me if I stole my own eraser back from her.

I Love it when we get separate desks for writing an exam for countless exams but the best and only reason is because I DON'T WANT TO SHARE MY TABLE WITH ANYONE! The person who sits next to you sprawls everything on the table giving you very little space and when she writes the exam HER ELBOW ALWAYS POKES YOU AND FALLS ON YOUR PAPER!

There was this girl next to me who had ample of space to her right side but no she wanted my space and titled the paper in a slanting way and kept shoving her elbow in my area. My butt was at the end of the bench and she kept jiggling her booty closer and closer so I jammed the heel of my foot up of her making her yelp and I turned the tables by tilting my papers in a slanting direction and jammed my elbows on her. She glared at me but got the point and moved away. Screw me for my childish behavior but I believed in Tit-for tat at that moment.

The weirdest moment of my life while writing an exam was when the girl next to me started vibrating and the bench was literally shaking. She started tapping her foot on the floor and my paws felt like emerging out to claw and stop her but then a pungent smell hit my nostrils so bad that tears welled up from my eyes. I holded in my breath and tried distracting that pungent human perfume to distraught me.

The people who irritate me the most are THE CHEATERS! You know that moment when someone has the same name as you but someone calls the other someone who has the same name as you but you turn your head anyways? Yea that pisses me off because HELLO! I AM TRYING TO WRITE HERE BUT THE GIRL WHO SHARES MY NAME IS BEING CALLED UPON AGAIN AND AGIN BY A PEST WHO IS LATCHED ON TO HER LIKE A LEECH AND IS DEMANDING HER TO GIVE SOME ANSWERS. These cheaters will look left, right, up and down and everywhere but their own papers for sources of information but no source of inspiration.

There will be this one badass teacher who thinks she is in a military and will be like "Its 9 A.M by my watch and I will collect the papers by 10.30 AM sharp and if you don't give me the papers you can take them home with you. 5 MINS HAVE PASSED. YOU HAVE 85 MINUTES MORE TO FINIS YOUR EXAM. PEP UP YOUR SPEED. LOOK INTO YOUR OWN GOD DAMN PAPERS. YOU CAN CHEAT AND FOOL ME BUT GOD IS WATCHING YOU SO DON'T THINK YOU CAN OVERSMART ANYONE."

I am sure you would have heard the above lines by a teacher at least once!

Whatever said and done and no matter how much we dislike exams, studies etc school and college are the only days where we create most of the treasurable memories. The institute may or may not teach us something valuable but the experience we get makes us wiser and we should be thankful to get these opportunities because many kids out there would do anything to be in our place. We meet so many kinds of people, some stay and some not to but we move on. We should look back at everything and reduce the regrets we have because we have only one life and we should make the most of it from the gist of life.

I AM NOT SAYING IT'S GOING TO BE EASY. THERE WILL BE BUMPS, DEAD-ENDS, DRAGONS THROWING FIRE ON YOU, MOSQUIOTES AND CROWS COCK BLOXKING YOUR WAYS BUT WHATS THE USE OF IT IN GETTING THE EASY WAY? Be a shark and gobble the bodies apart of these leeches and witched who come in your way of reviving yourself. If those mongoose fuckers still do evil things to you..... Bleed on them XD

All said and done I am going to wrap my ranting because My fingers are paining, my eyes are drooping and I have assignments to do but I would most probably roll around my room like a potato until a cat comes and pokes me then swallows me in inside its fur.

Until next time folks!

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