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You must be thinking that I am going to talk about Dots/full stop.
Oh pluwehse... I am going to talk about a women's period and the things that happened around her.

Some content is real while some content might be exaggerated for sarcastic purposes.

When puberty hit me I thought I was going to die.
I was literally screaming that 'I AM DYING BUT I DON'T KNOW WHY OR HOW'
My mom's eyed widened when she saw me rolling around in the floor with tears falling out of my eye's. When she asked me what in the world I was doing I explained her everything. She gave me a weird look then reminded me about the topic of growing up.

So if a women grows up she had to start bleeding every month?  Why?

I needed answers and the little old curious me wanted to survey people about 'growing up' actually meant.

Later on during school I came to know that it was not ok to tell people you have 'grown up'... Why you may ask?
One of my classmates grew up in the middle of the class and everyone backed away from her like was a disease.

"Kids it's a part of life! When puberty hits you, every month blood will flow out of your system" The teacher tried to explain but every girl in the class started to cry in thinking puberty is a disease that will make you bleed every month till you die from no blood in your body.

My classmate was frowing at everything so I asked her the reason for being so sulky.

"Our teacher says that we all grow up at a certain point of life right? So yesterday when I went home I asked my brother if he bleeds from his pee-pee and he told me he didn't so I laughed at him because I grew up but he didn't so he complained about to mom and she scolded me so much."
From that day onwards most of us kept the word 'puberty' & 'growing up' at the back of our mind's.

Years flew by and we all gained knowledge through various sources of medium but I have noticed so many weird things around me.

There are a few girls who come from a strict orthodox family so when a girl gets her periods she is not allowed to touch anything. She is given food in a separate room in a not such used utensil and if someone accidentally touches the girl who is having her periods the person who touched her goes and takes a bath...
Why? Why do people have such a behaviour?
A few of my friends had been through that but they smile and tell me that it's 'normal'
But now families have become a bit more considerate.

I'm that kind of a person with a big fat mouth who talks direct and to the point so my mother doesn't allow me to interact with people much because I just love to debate with them and prove them wrong. LOL!

I fought with a retired ex-professor a few ago because he kept telling me I have no aim in life just because I took and I had no intention of doing  CA/ASC or MBA in IIT. Like hello I'm just 20, in my final year of collehe and you want me to sit and have a graph about what I should and shouldn't do?

When I told him I'm a writer here and I have published a few articles he told me that I myself proved him that I'm stupid for taking instead of B.A English /Journalism if I wanted to be a writer -.-
Writing is my passion but no one understands that! I'm sick of people who keep telling me to make passion into a money making business.

Anywhale back to the topic...

There was a time I was shopping for sanitary pads and a woman was giving me a glare. She hid her kid behind him as if I was doing a crime he shouldn't see.

I was just looking at the packs for gods sake!

The shop keeper looked left and right then wrapped the pack in newspaper then a double thick black polythene newspaper.
When I walked back home I felt like I was carrying a bomb that people shouldn't know about.

I'm not saying that girls should scream happily that they are on their periods but why do people around us behave differently?

What if a guy also had periods? Would that be considered normal then? For people to openly talk and discuss about?

The worst time is when I'm on travel and I stay at someone's place and aunt flow decides to give me a visit.

I literally sneak around and do my business. Lol.

"Oh she is angry, must be PMSING" even I'm not having cramps this line gets me to PMS! Like why can't people just shut their mouth instead of passing such a comment? Can't a girl be angry with out being on her periods :/

Any whale's.... its getting boring nay? Let me share a Period(ical) experience with you all. LOL I think my puns are bad but who cares hehe.

Some time ago I had met four gems and we became the best bugs. We were so close that literally we used to get our periods together ahahaha :'D
Not kidding :|

Our class teacher had called us for some pooja ceremony so one by one all four of us told our teacher that we can't go because we have our periods(we are not supposed to touch idols of God and nor the holy items during our periods) She punished us because she thought we were joking!
We told her that we would just sit at the back and chant the mantras so she left us


The whole class was like 'you all seriously got your periods together?'
I was like Yo bruh you want proof? You want me to show you
*proceeds to wiggle*
On cue horrific faces
*me laughs at them*
Gets scolded by the teacher AGAIN
My 12th grade teacher was what you youth may call as 'FUCKING COOL'.
She was really open with us on everything and made us have open minds. My mind was already open so all innocent thought flew away so my brain became more dirtier. LOL

Now my brain is much better but when I want to, I can turn anything you see/read/talk as dirty :p

I thought that during college ( I studied in an only girls school and I'm studying is no an only girls college now) girls would become open but ....


*falls out of he bed while laughing like a fool*

Where was I?

*pregnant silence*

Oh yes the incident!

This happened during the first semester of my college. We had a workshop cum skill course going on and we had to make a presentation on any topic that we wish to speak about.

I made the whole class go ballistic with my topic and a few tables also broke because the teacher asked the students to shut up. LOL!
Anywhale so one friend of mine let's call her carrot! So yeah carrot came to me for help because she didn't know what topic she should speak for so I suggested her to talk about 'Taboos'


she spoke about taboos alright but mostly about periods. Remember how I told you people should be open ? DON'T BE THAT OPEN!

Carrot was talking about those orthodox families and how they treat(ed) the females in their house hold. She proceeded to give so many heart (mostly) groin warming speeches but then she dropped a horrific bomb.

As I said in the above context a few house holds don't allow a girl in the house to touch a lot of stuffs right? You know what carrot said?

"I don't understand why a girl isn't allowed to touch pickles during her period? I mean it's not like I'm going to dip my sanitary pad in the pickle right so how the fuck would the pickle get spoiled by me just touching the bottle?"

The girls next to me moved away from me because carrot said I suggested her to speak about taboos.
A girl cried out that she won't be able to eat pickles anymore and the outside faculty who was taking our class just shut the laptop and walked out of the class like she couldn't believe what just happened.


I just hope no girl gets to bleed suddenly when she is swimming!

I'm bored... what should I rant about for the next chapter *scratches head*

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