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Tears up all the notes and papers with an evil glint
Teacher  - those notes are important for you to pass in the exams
*goes back to taping the shredded papers with a silent sob*

Homework *sighs*
I have so much homework to do but my butt refuses to leave wattpad.
Heights of procrastination.

Don't we all love doing homework? No I'm not being sarcastic here :|

Yesterday our accounts teacher asked us to do a bunch of sums then she was like is this enough?
~Le kid in the background~ we need more sums ma'am! Homework is fun.
Teacher happily gave us more sums to do.

We have to do the sums in A4 sheet paper with the same size border margin on the sheets!!!!!

I know, I know homeworks are not that bad because it makes us understand the concept so that it will be easy for us during the exams but what's the use of doing such homework which has absolutely no use?

Most of the time our teachers love giving homework and we don't mind unless it gives us credits or is taken as some sort of assignment (varna pass kaise honge?)

I can never forget the first two years of college *sips coffee and wanders into La La land*
Let's just say, some people are sadist.

There was a teacher who made us take ample Xerox's and made us copy it down In our notebook that had to be covered by the glossy brown paper. She also made us take print outs of our project without actually seeing the soft copy(not even once)
She wanted to see the hard copy which she happily rejected not once, twice, thrice but 5 times (so much cash went waste. Not every one is rich enough to afford spending money like it's growing on trees )

Teacher - handwriting too small, handwriting too big.
Don't like the quality of the paper, ink is too light in the this print out. I don't like the font, too common and normal. Very boring.
I need you to make a scrap book of minimum 100 pages, nah I changed my mind, do it from scrap again.
It's ok I see you don't want to put much effort but I think you will pass.
You don't know the pain we went through that semester  (and the amount of money we spent... we still do actually)

Actually the worst part is when all the teachers suddenly decide to dump you with truckload of homeworks and *drum roll* the deadline is in a few days for ALL THE SUBJECTS *HAPPY GASPS...NOT*

I just remembered this famous line 'If a single teacher can't teach all the subjects hen how can she expect a student to learn all the subjects'

Has your teacher ever made you redo your homework cos of 'Handwriting' ?

I never knew this day will come but I'm  happy for one thing since I joined college *drum rolls*
I found many chicks whose handwriting is bad or worse than me xD

In school the teacher kept taunting us for the handwriting.
One teacher asked me to go home and practice writing with three different pens at a time (ball , gel and ink with different inks)

The thing is, I don't have a cursive handwriting; I have that bubble font kind of handwriting thingy lol.

Anywhales, where was I?

*scratches the peel of the potato in my hand*

Ahh homework -.-

There will always be this one person who doesn't even touch the homework but on the day of submission they happily sit and copy paste everything.

I dislike those people.
Like what the hell did you do for so many days? If you did atleast something that shows you tried but couldn't do the homework then people will happily help you, but to not do anything and just sit on your mighty throne and copy paste from people then submitting it and getting full marks without any hard work is painful for us who work hard and score less than you.

I kid you not, there are people WHO BORROW YOUR BOOKS AND NEVER RETURN IT BACK!

teacher - where's your homework?
You - I... I... I...
Awkwardly looks to the person to whom you had submitted the book. That person shrugs and starts talking to the ducks around her.
Teacher - write 'I will always complete my homework and come' in a sheet of paper 100 times and show it to me by lunch break
(This happened to all of us during school lol. The whole class was sitting and writing that they will never forget to do their homework)

You march to the person who had borrowed your book.
Person - I passed it on to that person go ask her.
You march up to this new person who claims she passed it on to someone else who claims to have passed it on to four more people.
In the end you never get back your book so you have to sit and write everything from scratch.

You ask the people to whom you had lended your books in the past to lend you their book for copying but they refuse by spurting nonsense.
Ever been there?

There are those fiddle sticks who borrow (more like somehow steal) someone's work, erase the persons name and claim it as theirs.
I'm not joking , such dimwits exists who create trouble for the innocent hardworking kids.

Never bully anyone to complete YOUR WORK! Don't keep opening your big fat mouth and talk to people as if they are scum or below you. You a have hands and legs so walk around and start doing your own shit.

Or else your brain cells will fade away because you never used them. My biology teacher kept saying 'if you never use your brain it will rust and become just a show piece inside your body' Looool. That lady always cracked nice jokes in class.

~Types of people in class~
Student 1 - I have the homework in my classwork and in rough book also for safety purpose.

Student 2 - I did half of the stuffs man.

Students 3 - I wrote my name and just submitted the blank book cos the lady only asked us to submit 'the book'

Student 4 -WHAT HOME WORK?

student 5 - I thought we already submitted it?

Students 6 - let's protest that these people are making us do excess brain labour!

Student 7 - pshhh. You give me that Cadbury silk and toblerone and I will lend you the extra notes ;) write your name and viola work done

Student 8 - when did she ever teach that lesson ??????

Student 9 - *snores*

Student 10 - we will give it to you by the end o the day ma'am.

What type of student are you? :p
I have so many more categories in my mind but didn't want to extend this nonsense rant of mine xD
*goes back to doing homework. I don't understand anything. It looks like it's from some other language to be honest*

Today NAAC ( National Assessment and Accreditation Council )
came to my college and they will be here for two more days so all the teachers are roaming around as if there's a gun pointed in their head. It looks like as if they are writing some important exam of their life.

Every college is going to be regraded by NAAC so it's like a total new aura around us lol.
Ok I'll stop ranting here  xD

Someone asked me to rant about how I felt on the day I got my license because she wants a heads up LOL!
It was the most monkiest day of my life!
Will get back to you soon *squints my eye to the girl who made that request*

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