Beauty, Saloon & Treatments

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Hello booty-full hoomans of orange fantasy land.

How many of you are comfortable in your skin?

Before anyone of you burst your tits and frizz out the breast milk let me tell you that I have taken a course in cosmetology so I do know the basics of it and I'm not ranting about it like an idiot without knowing any shit just because I want to rant out my brainy hormones nonsense.

People say 'you feel good, you look good, don't give a crap about what others think'

My trainer had only one word to say for it all and it was bullshit.

My and my mates just started at her like gadgets with broken batteries because we didn't know what to respond to her.

"People judge you for how you look and what you wear so even though you may be comfortable in what you wear, you can't be a fool to wear something wrong for a wrong occasion. You need to step up your game at times because the world in not filled with people who would pass it by. Remarks maybe thrown but you should be able to jut your chin out arrogantly because you know who you are and you did good."

She gave us a speech that we might try to cake our faces but beauty comes from our inner souls. We must worship our bodies and learn to accept ourselves the way we are because if we don't then how can we accept someone else to think the same about us?

We need to know that we are all beautiful! But please learn to atleast make an attempt to present yourself good.

She roamed her gaze over all of us like fucking hawks and her eyes twitched upon seeing me because before the class started I ran into the room like a maniac and I had apparently disturbed her peace of mind because she was doing meditation.

In my defence, it was bloody raining outside and I had to attend the class even on Sunday so sue me and my madness for storming the door open to protect myself *sighs*

I'm going to sum up everything I had learned during my cosmetology course into one period :p


"We are going to start wih the basics and that's threading" Rose spoke while razoring a students hair till there was no hair left on the skin.

We all gaped as we watched Rose, our trainer, skilfully moving her calloused fingers over a students forehead followed by upper lips till there was no lips to be found.

"Now all of you find guinea pigs and practice on each other" she handed us each a razer thread after which we attacked each other to remove any kind of hair we got.

"Akanksha! I need furrrr" My best friend turned monster ran the thread across my neck so I pushed her down and launched my body over hers and ran the thread over her arms.

We had successfully managed to create a zebra pattern across our skins then we stopped trimming our fur, I mean hair when excess of it made its way into our tongues.

"Calm down booties! Next what I'm going to teach you is.... WAXING"

We looked at each other with grim faces. I mean, this was a class so whoever was chosen had to lay down on the seat with 30 girls, 60 eye balls over her body while rose the trainer ran her skillfully large, muscular yet soft fingers over the chosen students body filled with hair.

"Haye, free waxing? Choose me! Choose me miss"
Sweet corn peeled half of her clothes and layed down on the bed with an eager face.

"Observe me carefully ok?" We nodded at rose who dipped a killer knife in the waxing machine then buttered the girls legs who let out a low growl.

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