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Oh how much I love to drive in traffic...Not!

I feel that most people out there don't have any sense at all while driving :/

Meaning of signal lights
Green - yay I no longer have to wait.
Yellow  (orange in some places) - Move out of my you fucker.   Only 5 seconds is left till the light turns red
*speeds as if it is a fast and furious movie scene*
Red - *looks left and right*
    *coast is clear*
zoom like your arse is on fire.

You know what I haye the most while driving?
When the person before me doesn't give any indication and suddenly takes a turn!!!!

Even more worse are those people who give an indication of going left side but end up going to the right side or vice versa.


why can't people drive normally?
It's either a really slow driver or a super express driver.

I remember I was stuck behind a car where the lady was driving 1 kilometre per hour -.- there was an old man who smiled at us and walked away by raising his hand as if indirectly telling us 'Yo I'm faster than your vehicle'

At times there are those nasty drivers *shivers*

It's usually those dudes who are high and their brains are exploded with adrenaline rush. They don't know the meaning of break  or slowing down. They keep zig - zagging through the streets and make the poor innocent drivers loose their control.

There are some people who have weird horn noises!
Just yesterday I was going to college and suddenly a dude zoomed past us all that made our clothes fly up a bit (I kid you not) his vehicles horn was that of a witches laughter.

I nearly dashed onto the side wall because I go scared of that noise.

Because of this he signal light turned red so we had to wait for it to go green again and the people behind kept honking like mad.
Are they all blind? I hate it when people keep honking like mad eventhough the signal is red.

"Go fly above the's vehicles you stupid brat" I yelled at the person behind who kept honking at the people before him.

"Move atleast an inch" he screamed while popping his head out of the window.

Then everyone behind him started honking like mad. That fellow got pissed and the asked the people to not horn. The traffic police man came and started whistling at us somehow trying to control the traffic.

'I'M A WOMAN,' a lady yelled when the traffic cop asked her why ain't wearing a helmet.

Even I have got scolded by cop's *cries*
While returning back from college I have to take a turn under the bridge and the car before me was going straight so I was happily following it but then the signal lights turned red then this stupid monkey gave a left indicator (for like 4 seconds) then left which made me stand in he fucking middle of the road.

Everyone were honking at me, I was terrified.
The traffic cop asked me to pull over; scolding me and what not. I apologised to him in Tamil, hindi and English ._. Just then my class mate was driving past us with her headphones on so he pulled my batch mate over and shooed me away :3

Let me tell you a secret....
I'MTERRIFIED OF BUSES! WHENEVER I see a bus I stop driving and hide myself in a corner.
Like just imagine yourself driving calmly then this big ass vehicle comes right behind you and honks *gasps*
Most of the buses I have seen are never straight but rather slanted ._.

Don't get me started on autos.
There are a few drivers who do so many stunts with their autos.

I'll let you on only one incident that happened during my school days.
Me and my friends wanted to go back to a place so we hopped onto an auto.

Oh the joy!
We were totally surrounded by vehicles but the autowala took that as a challenge and drove past every vehicle.
The person sitting to my right passed out on my lap while the girl sitting to my right kept screaming 'I'm so young. Nahiii I don't want to abhuuaha' her face popped out of the auto so I had to grab her back by the neck.

Anna kunjum slowwwwwwaaaaah we all screamed when he took a hard brake while entering into the new lanes.
There was a jerk in the vehicle which caused the passed out girl to gain back her consciousness then she passed out again when the driver started speeding AGAIN.
We somehow asked him to stop in a corner.

For half an hour we just stood outside a plaza to gain back our senses then caught a new auto to go back ._.


I always make it a point to stop driving when I see a person crossing the road (not just zebra crossing)

Most of the time I see people getting irritated when they see people crossing jewellery road.
What the fuck is the problem? Can't people bloody cross the roads ?

Vehicle or no vehicle, I cross roads every day for some purpose and I always find it a difficulty to cross roads.

There was even a time when we by-standers stood for more than 30 mins because no vehicle was bloody stopping eventhough a few of us had stepped down to cross to road :/

Oh and never play pranks on the people who cross the roads.

By pranks, I mean by those people who find it funny to let a group of people cross the road then midway you start to drive right into them that makes them get scared.
It's not funny!

A biker did that to me and I fell right into the pavement outside my school and broke my ankle. The dude laughed and drove away :/

During exams I never drive because if the stress and tension so I have to take a half way walking upto the campus, people hardly allow anyone to cross the roads. The more you try to cross the faster they come to you :|

Walkers have to keep moving up and down the stones during such a confusing state.

But when there is a traffic jam people can easily cross the roads so yay for them lol.

During our finals there was heavy traffic for miles away so I got down somewhere and began to walk to my college, what do I see? A man running in the middle of the road with ladies behind him.

It seems the guy was running butt naked!!!!
He was actually running very fast so I couldn't get a glimpse(shut up you perverted dogs) but most of the peeps I know, who were standing afar saw that he was running almost butt naked O.O

Almost because he was wearing a langhoti thingy that covered his ding dong but his butt cheeks were exposed...


Sometimes I question about earth's  existence when I hear weird news like  these (the ones I remember)

-Man married his tree because it is his first love.
-Woman gave birth at home in the kitchen by cutting the umbilical cord off using a butter knife.
- Man fucked a horse
- Woman ran away with her husband's child from his ex-wife
- A Child chops, boiled and eats his parents body pieces due to hunger.
- 70 year old man got married to 18 year old girl.
- A man lures females from his village then sells them for trafficking business.
- people killed each other for property
- Neighbours toilet seat stolen

What's the weirdest shit you have ever heard that you made question everything in life?

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