No. 12

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Johnny stared wide eyed at Soda, realizing that we left Dally behind.

"Shit!" I screamed, I ran through the door, back to the lot where we last saw him. He was sitting against the same old, familiar tree. Sitting on his lap was Cherry, he was stroking her long, red hair, a small smile on his face as she talked about who knows what. Johnny had followed me and ran into my back, hugging me from behind.

"I can't believe we just left him here." He mumbled. Peeking from behind my shoulder, glimpsing at Dal and Cherry together, he chuckled.

"I thought you was all going to go to the Dingo!" Johnny said loud enough for them to hear. Cherry turned her head and blushed, matching her bright hair. Dal smirked.

"She distracted me!" He picked her up as he stood, and got in the T-Bird. Dally limped, it was obvious, but nothing was stopping his date with the soc. Steve and Soda arrived as they rode off into the early afternoon. Steve patted my shoulder, and Soda smiled.

"I can't wait till Superman gets home." Steve said, and then had a shocked expression.

"Soda we're going to be late!" They raced each other to the DX, Soda in the lead. Johnny never let go of me. I looked back, and he gave a sheepish look, and titled his head, his hair moving slightly.

"Want to go eat something?" He nodded, grabbing my hand, and started walking back to my house. I obliged and followed him, the sun hitting his skin, making it and his black hair shine. A barking came from across the street we were walking beside. I heard Mickey Mouse and a few clinking noises coming from my house as Johnny and I passed through the gate and closed it. The door swung open as soon as we got up the steps.

"Pony! Johnny! Mind making me some chocolate cake since Soda didn't make one?"

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