No. 3

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Johnny's eyes seemed to never blink after we heard the agonizing noise. It sounded pained, but inhuman. I wanted to go check it out, but Johnny was obviously not prepared for it.

"Wait here, I'll go check out where the noise came from!" I whisper-shouted as I ventured forward, determined to find the sorce. Johnny reached out to me, not wanting to be left behind, but I never looked back to see his scared expression. He was frozen, jaw wide open, breathing heavily.

I grew closer where the noise had came from, it rang out a few more times, but stopped. I couldn't help but feel terrified, it was day time now, but the trees blocked out all the light, so there was only a few rays to depend on.

"Johnny!" I screamed, stepping back and running back to where I left him.

"Dally is," I gasped, "In trouble. We need to get him back to the car." I waved my hand frantically, emphasizing the cautiousness we needed to take. Johnny burst into a sprint and found Dally laying on the ground, bleeding slowly. What we didn't notice was a red haired girl a few feet away from him in the same state; bleeding.

"Cherry Valance?" I questioned, confused. I heard her grunt softly and she started to sit up. She shook her head, getting the leaves out of her hair. She rested her chin on her palm, turning her body to face Johnny and I.

"Ponyboy? Johnny? What- What you doing in the middle of the woods?"

"Could ask you the same." Johnny whispered, voice cracking. She glanced at Dally and gently tapped his shoulder. He flinched and turned over to face away from Cherry.

"Kid? What, are we not back yet?"

"Dally, we searched for you for about an hour, why are you in the woods?" I demanded an answer, never have I ever felt anger like this. This situation was ridiculous and I wanted an answer badly. Dally didn't do anything but mumble incoherent words to himself. Cherry stood up, dusting herself off, and held her hand out to Dally.

"I'll explain later, just, help me get Dally to the car will you?" Cherry sounded worried, and it seemed like she was right about what she had said at the movies.

'If I ever see Dallas Winston again, I think I might fall in love with him or something!'

The way she looked at Dally told me a story that I couldn't relate to.

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