No. 14

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[A/N: YOU CAN SKIP THIS AUTHORS NOTE BUT, Thank you, yes you, for following along with my story, this may be the last chapter of this book, knowing The Outsiders only has 12 chapters, and about 200 pages, I don't know if I would be able to do that. And my life has not been great or easy lately, so it's nice to know that I have a passion so deep for writing this. I don't want to drag the story on because I think that Hinton wanted us to use our imaginations to create the ending we wanted, whether it be they live forever, or if they all die it's up to you. Thank you for reading my story! There will be more stories coming from me so make sure to keep an eye out for those!]

Steve chuckled, "Look, they're cuddling."

"So? Leave them alone, Steve!" Soda protested.

"I wonder if they'll confirm it." Darry added.

"They did, right before they were sleepin'." Two-Bit pointed out.

"Woah! I didn't know they swung that way." Steve screeched.

"I did." Dally smirked. Every one looked at him oddly.

"What?" Darry asked, the first to speak up.

"Johnny told me before that he liked Pony, I didn't quite understand, but I get it now. He wanted me to help him tell him about it but socs jumped up before he could spit it out and I had to defend redhead."

"Cherry?" Two asked.

"Yeah, she hitchhiked to find us. Poor doll, she worried her head off."

"I'm relieved you all made it back but what's the whole story?" Soda questioned worriedly, obviously nervous and anxious to find out. Steve nodded in agreement, so did Two. Darry stood cross armed against the kitchen door frame.

"Well, redhead was walkin' up the highway when we were in an abandoned lot near the woods. She caught up to me and a little grizzly attacked us when we heard it from the woods. Monday morning the boys came looking for us and we were hurt bad, well I still am but Cherry's O.K. And then later that day the socs jumped us and we ended up at a local gas station about an hour from here. We stayed over night in the car and it took us a long while to get here. We walked a few miles." They all stared wide eyed at Dallas as he continued telling our adventure, but more in detail, I was half awake, listening with my eyes closed. I stroked Johnny's hair slowly, comforting him in his sleep, he curled up more and pressed against me. It felt nice to relax, knowing I'm safer now than I was just a few hours ago. I was happy to be back with the gang, my family, and the town I've grown to love. I'd have homework and school to make up, but it was worth it. I shouldn't have run away from Darry, that was stupid. I should have given him a chance to calm down, maybe even not have yelled back. Everything was going to be all right after this, I know it will. Soda will find a girl, and be happy, Darry will relax and not worry so much. Dally will see the sunsets and Johnny will teach him. Cherry would watch the sunset and think of our memories, Steve would stop stealing our cake. Two-Bit won't hog the T.v. O.K. maybe two of those things won't happen but I think I made it clear.

"Soda, can you make me a cake? Pony passed out before he answered me." I could hear Soda groan, he just got home from the DX, tired and sweaty.

"Sure, Two." He forced a smile, I could hear it in his voice, the way he said it. Two hit his back playfully, chuckling lightly.

"Pony." Johnny whispered.

"Hm?" I hummed back, not opening my eyes.

"We're at your house right?"


"Good, I don't want to go home, ever."


"Aww, look at that, Johnnycake's awake!" Dally picked him up and his warmth left me, I shivered.

"Oh, sorry man." Dally looked sheepishly away as he put Johnny back down next to me, I instantly leaned on him again and felt drowsy.

"Darry, don't touch him, you'll wake sleeping beauty up." Soda joked, giving a famous smile.

"Yeah, yeah, O.K." Darry held his hands up in defense, playing along with Sodapop.

"His poor, tuff hair." Soda mumbled, running his fingers through my bleached, gold hair. I groaned, curling around Johnny and moving away from Soda's hand.

"Guys! Mickey Mouse is on! And what about my cake?" Two-Bit whined like a little kid, not getting what he wants. Soda waved his hands, shooing Two's complaints away, not wanting to hear them anymore, he walked to the kitchen, or so Two thought he did, and he walked to his shared room instead.

"Darry." I called out in a raspy voice.

"Yeah, kid?" I heard him reply, holding my hand.

"Darry, we're coming home."

"I know little buddy, you're home, it's O.K." He brushed my bangs back and kissed my forehead.

"Where the fuck is my cake Soda?!" Two-Bit yelled, getting up and running to Soda's shared room, complaining even more to him.

"Hold on! I just took a quick shower, let me put pants on, it's illegal!"


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