5: One last time

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The line was now a mile long and they where letting people in. I'm just feel emotional right now. I don't know when the next time I'll be able to see Taylor again.

I have to start saving my money up for college, although that's not the problem since his meet and greets are so damn cheap. Unlike other people, where you have to pay one-hundred and fifty dollars, only to spend thirty seconds with them.

I pulled myself out of my thoughts and moved up with the line. The door was now visible for me to see. My nerves are way worse than yesterday and I don't understand why.

Aaliyah was busy talking to some girl she had met. They have been non-stop talking for at least thirty minutes. While I just scrolled through Twitter and posted stuff on the snap.

Yes, the snap

The line moved up again and this time we where able to go in. The man counted off twenty people, and since Aaliyah was talking to that girl she wasn't included. "Aaliyah, are you gonna be fine?" I asked looking at her. She nodded her head. "Yea we are gonna take one of those squad photos" Aaliyah said looking at the girl.

Before I could respond the guard pushed me in. "Hey! Don't push me" I sassed. The guard looked at me. "Be quiet kid" He said. I shook my head in disgust at him.

Security guards have no respect. Pushing us around like we are toys. If a guard ever tried to pull me off of Taylor, oh it would be world war three up in here.

I'm really starting to get anxious now. I could see Taylor. Today he was wearing a black muscle tee, his hair was styled up, he had on jeans with tips in the knees, and all black vans. He looked like he could be in a band, it was hot.

I don't even know what pose I'm doing today. I gonna see if he can pick me up, probably not I'm too fat. (Shawn is really like little in this story)

But if he can then picture will be cute. I can just imagine it. My legs wrapped around his waist as he holds me and my face is in his neck, and bam a perfect picture.

Finally the girl before me went up. They did this really cute pose I liked it, and finally finally it was my turn.

Taylor smiled as I walked up to him. He opened his arms and I hugged him tightly. "Hey again" Taylor spoke grabbing the poster out of my hands to sign. "Yep,again" I laughed lightly, why do I have to be so awkward?

"What pose are we doing today?" Taylor asked looking up at me. "Well I was gonna see if you know could pick me up and then just take the picture like that" I say. Taylor nodded and stood up from the stool.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and jumped up wrapping my legs around his waist. Taylor caught me by my thighs. I rested my head on Taylor's shoulder and he lightly rested his head on mine.

It felt so right being in his arms.

The picture was taken. I hugged Taylor still in his arms before unwrapping my legs from around his waist. Taylor's hands trailed down my legs as they slid down from around his waist, making shivers run down my spine.

I said my last goodbye before walking away.

I got my phone from the guy who was taking pictures. There was another door so I exited out of that. I texted Aaliyah to meet me at the car when she was done.

I got into the car and just took in the current events. A smile tugged on my lips. I wanna be in Taylor's arms again, life just sucks right now because I'm starting to get to attached to Taylor.

To the point where I love him, more than just a fan way. Like I literally cry some nights just thinking of the fact that I will never get to be with Taylor.

I don't even understand why I always go to meet and greets expecting something big to happen, when the same thing happens every single time. I meet him and then leave and Taylor forgets about me.

Just like everybody else

But it's whatever at least I got to meet him.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the car door opening. Aaliyah got in the car a big smile on her face. "You ready?" I asked her putting the key in the ignition. "Yep" Aaliyah chirped.

"What's got you so happy?" I asked looking behind me as I drove out the parking place. "Taylor actually remembered me" Aaliyah said. I smiled at her. "That's good" I say.

I'm really not feeling well right now, and now I have to drive all the way back to South Carolina. At least I don't have school tomorrow. Well I do but I'll be way to tired to go.

The car was silent, Aaliyah fell asleep and the sun began to set. We still had at least nine more hours to drive. I just want to be home in my bed.


Eight hours later and I've finally made it to South Carolina. Only a little ways until I'm home again. By this time it was about four in the morning, and I'm so tired i might just fall asleep while driving.

But since it's so late there was less traffic which made it way faster to get home.

There was a big relief as I pulled into the driveway of my home sweet home. I parked the car and took the key out of the ignition before turning to Aaliyah. "Aaliyah wake up, where home" I shook her body lightly. Her eyes flickered open and she looked around sleepily before stretching.

We both got out and I popped  the trunk to get our luggage out. Aaliyah grabbed her suitcase and I grabbed mine. My mom should be up for work by now.

I used my house key to unlock the front door. Aaliyah was first in and I followed closely behind. The light was on in the kitchen, so I walked in there. My mom sat at the table drinking out a coffee mug while looking down at her phone.

She looked up at me. "Oh hey, ya'll are home?" She stood up and hugged me. "Yea, I think Aaliyah went up to her room to sleep" I chuckle a little. Once that girl falls asleep, that's all she wants to do. It's hell getting her up in the morning.

"Well I'm pretty sure your tired, and I have to head to work. I love you" My mom said before gathering her stuff and leaving. I went up to my room and placed my suitcase in my closet.

I exchanged my black skinny jeans for grey sweatpants and kept on my Taylor hoodie. I really don't care right now I just want sleep.

Before I went to sleep I checked my phone. Dang it I missed Taylor's YouNow. I'll find out later what it was about.

I put my phone and the charger and got under the warm covers of my bed. It wasn't long before I fell asleep.

Hey guys, so Taylor's YouNow is very important to this story. Well not any of his real YouNows.

Your favorite YouNow Taylor did?

The one where he was telling us about his childhood and mom, and I cried and then when he skinny dipped😏😏

SOTD: Skyscraper~ Demi Lovato

Bye guys💅🏻🙅🏻🌸

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