3: North Carolina

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It's about thirty minutes before the event and me and my Jordan got here early to set up. Jordan was setting up the merchandise tables as I put up the back drop.

There was already fans forming a line outside. I'm so ready to meet them all.

I've been kinda down lately. I have been questioning my sexuality. I mean I like girls, but I always find myself checking out boys bodies.

I just don't know


Me and Aaliyah where already outside the venue. I would say we had a pretty good place in the line. Last night I made a poster for Taylor, and I blew up the pictures from when I met him before and put it on the poster board.

Then in the middle where the pictures aren't covering the poster, I wrote in the neatest handwriting possible. "Your my world"

I know simple, but I'm not that creative.

"What time is it?" I asked Aaliyah. She looked at her phone. "It's 5:55" She answered. Five more minutes until the meet and greet begins.

I've decided that I was gonna do a pose, where me and Taylor will both where matching snapbacks, and like act like bad asses.

(Ya'll know that one pose Shawn did with a fan and he was wearing the SnapBack and she was leaning against his shoulder)

"Ok guys we are gonna send twenty in at a time" I turned my attention towards the voice, it was a man. The line moved up as he counted off twenty. Me and Aaliyah where the last two out of that twenty.

I'm in the same room as Taylor. I literally can't right now. He looked so hot. Grey shirt, grey bandana to match, skinny jeans, and vans. He smiled as the first girl went up to hug him. I love how happy he looks when he does these events.

Shows he truly cares.

As Taylor was hugging the girl and we made eye contact. I smiled nervously at him, and-wait! He just winked at me someone please help me.

"Aaliyah did you see that" I smacked her arm to get her attention. "See what?" She looked around confused. "Taylor just winked at me. I can't breath" I fanboyed.

Aaliyah laughed at me freaking out. "Shut up" I say.

The line continued to move up. It feels like we have been standing here for an hour but, it's only been about twenty minutes. The girl before me in line finally went up. My nerves started to pick up.

"Aaliyah go first please" I say looking at her. I'm gonna have an anxiety attack. "Calm down you've did this many times before" Aaliyah reassured me. I nodded my head and breathed in and out to calm my nerves, it worked.

Aaliyah still went before. She looked so happy. This is only Aaliyah's second time meeting Taylor, and it's been like a year since she first met him.

They did a pretty simple pose and then it was my turn.

Get yourself together Shawn

Taylor smiled at me as I walked up to him. "Hey," Taylor said before wrapping his arms around me. I hugged him back and we pulled away. I handed him the poster. "Thank you..." He trailed off as he looked at it, "Shawn" I told him Taylor smiled and signed the little poster they give everyone.

"How many times have we met?" Taylor looked up at me. "Three times" I say. I'm literally dying inside. Taylor smiled at sat the poster with all the other ones he got. "Well thank you for the support not many boys support me you know" Taylor said.

I nodded my head, come on Shawn speak. "Ok so I want you to wear this" I handed him the SnapBack. I put mine on and explained to him how I wanted to pose. I placed my arm on his shoulder and leaned my head on it.

Taylor tilted his head back and crossed his arms over his chest. His friend Nick took the picture. "Bye Taylor I love you" I hugged him. "Love you too" Taylor kissed my cheek, and that's when I lost my chill.

My eyes got blurry from tears. I hugged Taylor tighter and then pulled away. I made sure no tears came out. I said bye and grabbed my phone and walked over to Aaliyah.

"He is so perfect" I say to Aaliyah. She smiled and nodded her head in agreement. Me and Aaliyah headed out to my car. I'm still in shock from Taylor kissing me on the cheek.

Me and Aaliyah got in the car and just sat there. "Let me see your picture" I say. Aaliyah hands me her phone. I awed at the picture mostly because of how Aaliyah looked like she was about to cry.

I showed Aaliyah my picture. It turned out great. "Taylor kept the hat" I laughed. I didn't really care though I was supposed to give it to him anyways.

Nothing can bring my mood down right now, I'm on cloud 9.


That Shawn boy did not help my sexuality problem at all. Honestly I think he just confirmed that in attracted to boys. He was the cutest boy I've ever seen.

All well I'll never see him again.

Actually you will, tomorrow. Anyways I like this chapter.

QOTD: Johnson or Gilinsky?

AOTD: I love Gilinsky I really do but right now I just don't know, anyways Johnson❤️😍

SOTD: Warrior~Demi Lovato

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