22: Pressure

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Me and Shawn haven't been doing so well we've been getting into little arguments everyday, and it's just really annoying because Shawn gets mad over the littlest things.

Like if I don't text within a two minute Fran then he's accusing me of doing something I'm not.

And I'm on the edge of just giving up on him, yes, giving up on Shawn. I just can't deal with being accused and there's barley any love left in our conversations.

Always arguing.

I sighed and walked out of the bathroom and to my bed in the hotel room. I picked my phone up and I had a text from Shawn.

Why haven't you been texting me back?

Here we go again.

I didn't get your text Shawn

I bet you where to busy to answer them, oh yea your always busy anymore

And your always bitchy

I'm bitchy

Yea Shawn you are and I'm over it so I think it's best if we take a break. It's just to much for me right now I should of never gotten into a relationship I'm to busy and I'm sorry I love you with all my heart but I can't handle it, all this pressure.


We need a break babe, I really do love you but I think that we should take a break. It's what's best for our relationship

This really does hurt, but maybe a break will do some good.

We all know what a break leads to, a break up..... so just go ahead tell me you don't wanna be with me anymore.

I do still wanna be with you just its a lot of pressure on me.

I'm not waiting around so I guess we are done,

Shawn! That's not why I meant

Then what do you mean Taylor! You've done nothing but treat me badly. I put my all into the relationship and you give 50% back. I'm sorry but if your gonna do this we might as well just give up on each other

Are you kidding me I do everything for you!

What do you do?! Come and visit me? Your supposed to do that, so please tell me what have you done.

I've loved you, wasn't that enough?


Yea loved

Well I guess if you can stop loving me like that then you must've never actually loved me.

Shawn.... can you just hear me out

Not delivered

Did he block me, oh god Shawn blocked me. I've made such a huge mistake.


I cried and let out a sob. I can't believe this I thought he loved me.

I don't really know where to go with this book😩and if you haven check out my new book 'Feelings'☁️☄

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