Chapter 11 Noah: Part 11 (Edited)

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Diana had made them dinner, something simple but both enjoyed it, with James mentioning that whenever he tried to cook it always somehow became a black charcoal mess that had no taste at all. She ended up giving him some tips of cooking, saying that if he knew how to read he could cook, going on by adding that he could later adjust a recipe that would be more suited to his taste if something in it didn't seem right to him, which was what Diana had done on several occasions.

"It's getting kind of late," Noah said after glancing to the clock realizing that it was almost past eight. "You should probably start heading home James."

"Yeah I probably should," he went to grab his coat only to stop when Diana spoke.

"You can stay for the night, I wouldn't recommend going out there with a storm like this."

"I'll be fine."

Diana turned from the window that she was looking out of to pin a narrowed stare on James. "The hell you will, you were probably wandering around for a good hour because you didn't realize that you had the map upside down."

Noah looked to James, and upon seeing his friend's expression Noah could probably guess that Diana was hitting really close to home.

"Besides, there's a killer on the loose after your friend, would it really be the wisest choice to leave in the dead of night with the pouring rain?"

"She has a point," Noah said, feeling that there was something more too it then just her words. "Why not just call home?"

James glanced from Noah to Diana, who was now looking back out the window once more. He let out a sigh of defeat as his shoulders sagged. "Alright fine, but my Mum is probably going to be pissed."

"Better then dead," Diana quipped in.

"Yeah that's true." James said with a slight laugh as he put his coat back and went to call his home in the privacy of the bathroom. "Be right back."

Noah looked to Diana; her gaze was narrowed as she continued to stare out the window with her arms crossed. "Is something wrong?"

She glanced at him before returning her gaze to the window. "No," she said as she closed the drapes. "It's nothing; tell your friend that he'll be sleeping on the floor since the sofa doesn't change into a bed. There are spare blankets and pillows in the closet next to the bathroom." She explained as she did the same thing to the other windows, Noah frowned, she never did this before so why was she doing this now?

"Okay, um thanks."

"No thanks needed, you guys can stay up and talk but I'm going to bed. I need my sleep." she went to her room but stopped when James came out of the bathroom. "Good news I hope."

"After explaining to my Mum that it wasn't safe to be heading home like this in the pouring rain and that I was with you," he indicated to Noah. "She finally calmed down and said that when I get home tomorrow morning I'm going to be grounded for a week in response for scaring her so badly."

"That just means your mother loves you so much that she's mad at you for not keeping tabs like you should. You're still young, she worries."

James shook his head at her but had a modest smile on his face as he did so. "Don't I know it; I don't think I've ever heard her so angry before in my life."

"I know that feeling," Noah said with a slight grin. "My parents can be the same way."

As the two boys talked Diana took the chance to sneak into her room and close the door leaving them to their chatting about families and the like.

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