Chapter 15 Noah: Part 15 (Edited)

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Three Days Later.

Noah stared up at the ceiling of the hospital room as he lay in bed, some of the police had just left him in peace much of what went on had become a total blur during the three days that he had been there. But shortly after the police left a detective came by, it was the same middle aged man who spoken to Noah when his dorm room had been destroyed. Originally he came by not long after Noah's admission to the hospital but chose not to bother him as to give his family time to be relieved that Noah would be alright. At first the detective merely asked how he was doing but soon after came the questions.

"I know other officers had already come and asked you this, but since it's been some time I figured that your thoughts might have cleared somewhat. Do you think you might be up for it?"

"It's not like I have much of a choice Detective," Noah told him as he reached for his glasses only to wince in pain, his chest and shoulder still screamed in agony as if he were being shot all over again, it was something that kept happening whenever he tried to move his right side. The detective took those glasses from the table and handed them to Noah so he wouldn't have to reach. "Thank you,"

"Take it easy son," the detective said. "You don't have to rush, your very lucky you know. Getting shot like that, if the bullet hit any lower it would have punctured a lung and you might be on a ventilator or worse."

Noah stared down at his glasses, recalling the look on Diana's face when he had fallen, the white haired man who shot him and Diana's final words to him before he blacked out.

"Don't you die on me, you hear Noah? I swore to myself I wouldn't let you die, not like him, not like that boy. Just hold on, understand?"

The boy that she meant was probably the one who had the same name as him but had died long ago at a young age. Even after three weeks those words kept replaying in his mind, questioning it now would do no good, that much he knew, but how she sounded, the tone she used stuck him. It was as if she was truly afraid of him dying.

"Are you alright Noah?" the detective asked.

"Yes," Noah's head snapped up to meet eye level with the man as he put on his glasses with his good arm. "Sorry, what was it that you wanted to ask me?"

"You told me back when your dorm had been destroyed that you didn't know the assailant who had done this." The detective paused waiting for Noah to say something but when he hadn't the detective continued. "I spoke to your friend, a Mr. James Bechner. He told me that this man had been after you because you witnessed him attacking another student. I was hoping you'd shed a little light as to why you lied."

"I... didn't really lie, I didn't know who that man was or still is."

"Then why did you lie about this girl then? Diana Rowena?" a younger detective added in, visibly angry that Noah never said a word prior. "That's obstruction of an investigation, you can be charged for that!"

The older detective held up his hand to silence his partner. "Noah, I understand that you were probably scared, but you need to tell us all you know about this other student and that man. Can you do that for us?"

Noah glanced at the two officers, before turning to look out the nearby window. "Alright, I'll tell you what you want to hear..."

The two detectives soon left the hospital shortly after interviewing the young man. "We should probably start looking to see about this other student that those boys mentioned and see what she knows about this man that attacked them." The younger detective said.

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