Chapter 12 Noah: Part 12 (Edited)

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Noah moved as if his life depended on it, and it did.

Every so often he would look back and see that the man was still following. He wasn't running, no he was walking, with quick long strides like a business man quickly on his way to an important meeting. The man practically ate up the path that Noah went without even needing to run so he could keep up.

This was bad, really, really bad. He needed to get away and fast without leading the way back to Diana's flat; if Noah did that then that man would not only kill Noah but Diana too.

"Noah, go left!" Conscious told him and Noah did right then. The mouse continued to guide him through the many alleyways and streets during his guidance though Conscious added something Noah didn't expect to hear. "Don't look back Noah, it not only decreases your momentum but it slows your speed. Keep your eyes ahead I'll tell you if he's gone."

"Will he really leave us alone?"

"Potentially," Conscious admitted. "Diana and I have been able to elude him several times in the past. Go right!"

Noah did. "Yeah but I don't have the same physical attributes as she does, and he... he's a freaking giant that looks to be pure muscle. Where the hell did he turn out like that?"

"War will make men become strong, or it will kill them. It's been like that for many years. Diana knows this as well, you saw her body. Keep running ahead."

Noah's cheeks heated, yes he saw her body, and was embarrassed by seeing a naked girl. Though now that Conscious mentioned it he quickly grasped what the mouse meant, even when clothed her body had a lot of athletic build. She could be an athlete if she wanted; hell she probably was at one point even considering she lived for a long time.

But Noah wasn't all that fit, yeah he was lean but he wouldn't be able to run forever. Though he could have a good go at running he'd eventually fall to his knees in defeat soon enough. As of now though he was only jogging, when Conscious told him to round a corner Noah took the opportunity to glance back and see if that man was still following. And to his dismay he was.

Was he ever going to stop?

"How much further?" Noah asked quickly his voice going horse. "I don't think I can keep going for much longer!"

"We're almost there Noah, go right now!"

If I live through this I swear to god I am going to exercise regularly... he thought as they rounded the corner only to soon realize what Conscious was intending. The white haired rounded the corner shortly after and was greeted with a number of alleyways that seemed all but endless.

He stared down the endless corridors, eyes narrowing ever so slightly as he began to walk down them.

Noah remained hunkered down, hidden behind an old wooden shelf of an antiques shop. His hands were over his nose and mouth as he forced himself to relax and breathe with slow steady breaths. Noah didn't remove an inch; he glanced to a crack from one of shelves that allowed him to see the white haired man glancing around. and when the man's gaze turned right to Noah, his heart almost stopped from shock as those ice blue eyes stared before the man slowly entered the shop. Did the man see him?

"Remain still," Conscious said softly into Noah's ear so only he could hear him. "Don't move an inch; he doesn't know you're here."

You say that but he's still in here with us! Noah thought in fear as he shut his eyes.

"Excuse me sir," the store owner called out from the other end of the place. "Are you looking for something particular?" The man with white hair looked at the store owner but then turned and left in silence.

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