Travelling yet again

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After clemont and bonnie had brought ash and serena back to the campsite, ash and serena went back to their respestive tents and started to pack up their backpacks. Ash finished packing and came out of his tent tent yealling and waving,"hey im ready to go". On comming out of the tent ash looked around and asked where serena was. "she's still packing up", bonnie said while pointing at serenas tent. "ok thanks", ash replied as he started to walk towards serenas tent . "where you going ?",clemont asked. "to help her of course...... It getting late, isn't it", ash replied. He entered serenas tent and found out that she was looking at the picture that they took together before helping korrina to get the lucarionite. Serena was startled on seeing ash in her tent and she immediately lut the picture into her backpack. "you ready ?" ash asked her, "yep ill be right out there in a minute", serena replied with a wink. Ash smiled and then left the tent. "so is everything all right in there ?", clemont asked ash. "yeah she said that she'll be out 'in a minute' so i guess that she really will be", ash replied with a giggle, refering to what happens last night before dinner. On mentioning last night, "hey ash you said that we could have a battle todayz", bonnie exclaimed. "oh yeah i totally forgot about that. Lets have it after we find a place to get some rest on route 19 k". " that's where we have to go right serena ? Route 19 ?", ash asked as he looked at serena comming out of her tent fully packed and ready to go. "yeah i guess so, serena replied", as she looked into her device. "SO LETS GET GOING THEN !!!", bonnie screamed. "i wanna have my battle soon, lets go". They all giggled at bonnies childish scream and they did wht they were told they 'just go-ed'.

while waking further they finally reached route 19. "so which way should we go ? The rocky way or the marshy way ?", clemont asking, pointing left and right while saying so. "im fine with anything", ash blankly replied. "so how about we just go the rocky way, i don't want my new shoes to get all dirty", serena replied as she looked down at her shoes. She suddenly felt a hand fall on her shoulder. She was quite startled and she looked around to find that it was ash. This made her blush slightly as he looked off to the right and said,"to the rocky way it is". As they were moving further and further, pikachu seemed to feel like there was something or someone following them. Pikachu jumped off of ash's shoulder and used iron tail on the trunk of a tree without command. The gang was shocked to why pikachu did that but it all became clear when they saw what had fallen from the tree. It was TEAM ROCKET !. "why you little twerp ! All we were doing was trying to steal you !" jessie screamed. "its TEAM ROCKET !", bonnie screamed.

"prepare for trouble it is us indeed",

"make it double and to us you will plead",

"To protect the world from devastation",

"to unite all peoples within or nation",

"to dedounce the evil of truth and love",

"to extend our our reach to the stars above",



"team rocket blasts off at the speed of light",

"surrender now or prepare to fight",

"meowth that's right"


"here they go again", bonnie said with a sigh. "hey mini twerp it takes a lot of dedication to write a beautiful motto such as ours", jessie said as she was ready to pounce at bonnie but was held back by James and meowth. "now now jessie our only goal is pikachu", James said with a cool tone. "well now lets gr-" meowth started but was interrupted by ash saying,"pikachu just use thubderbolt", with a bored tone. Pikachu did what he was told and sent a thunderbolt right toward team rocket, it was a direct hit and it sent them flying away

"we're blasting off too soon", the members of team rocket cried


"you couldn't have done that a little sooner ash", serena said as she sweatdropped. "yeah i guess i could've", ash said smiling and scratching the back of his head. They all laughed and continued their journey before they sat down for lunch. As usual bonnie and and ash set up the table and serena and clemont did all the cooking. After setting up the table, ash turned around to find bonnie anxiously starring into his eyes as if she were expecting something. "you want to have our battle how don't you", ash said as he adjusted his hat. "yes yes yes", bonnie squealed. "hehe ok...... Lets go that way.. I remember seeing a cool place to battle before we came here", ash replied to to bonnie as he pointed back to the direction they came from. "hey serena ! Clemont !", ash shouted. "we're going to go and have our battle", ash said as he waved at them. "this time i approve of it since lunch'll take some time to get ready", serena said as she giggled. Ash smiled back and then he and bonnie were out of sight.

"you ready bonnie", ash asked with a small grin on his face. "ready as I'll ever be", bonnie replied. "then what are you waiting for ? The first moves yours" ash yelled as he was filled with excitement. As mentioned before, ash used greninja while bonnie used his pikachu. "alright pikachu ... Use quick attack", Bonnie yelled. "greninja double team",ash replied. Pikachu ran through all the illusions and after they were all gone, greninja was nowhere to be seen. Bonnie looked surprised, so was pikachu. "now greninja use cut". Ash said as greninja came falling from the sky and used cut on pikachu. Pikachu was throwsn back from the powerful attack. " now finish it with cut", ash yelled as his Pokemon used cut and the battle ended. Bonnie was frowning as she lost. Ash walked over to her and said,"maybe i should've gone a little easier", he said as he was sracting the back of his head. "no that would've been even more boring", bonnie complained. "it was just a battle, someone had to win", she added. "yeah i guess you're right", ash said grinning. "lets head back im getting hungry", bonnie said. Ash nodded and they returned back to where serena and clemont were. They were right on time because the food was hot and ready to be eaten.

"good, you're just in time. Lunch is ready", clemont said to ash with a smile on his face. "of course, how can i be late for food", ash with a big grin on his face. They all sat down at the table and eat they're lunch. "time for dessert", serena said as she brought out a basket. "i made lots and lots of pokepuffs for everyone", she said with a smile as she put the basket on the table. "that's great ash said as he stretched out his hand and pulled the cover of the basket off. "um serena........ I thought you said that there were pokepuffs in here ?", ash said as he saw that the basket was completely empty. Nothing was inside but crumbs. Everyone immediately looked over at chespin who was slowly trying to sneak away with his stomach as big as a snorlax's. "*sigh* im really sorry about that guys", clemont said looking at his Pokemon slowly walking away with a content stomach. Everyone there sighed. "that's ok..... Ill just remember to make lots more for dinner", serena said with a smile. Everyone there smiled and they all decided to rest there for a while after eating a really fulfilling luch, without dessert of course.



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