Route 17

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the sun rose the next morning and a few rays of light entered the room through a small gap in the curtains and fell right on serenas face. She slowly got up and rubbed her eyes " ugh why didn't i close the curtains properly", she mumbled to herself. She got up from bed and she closed the curtains and got back into bed again and just layed there for a little while. She realized that she couldn't fall back to sleep so she went to the bathroom to take a bath and get ready.... They would probably be leaving there from the Pokemon centre that day. As she exited the bathroom she was about to tell ash to go and get ready because they were getting late by she was suprise because ash wasn't in the room. "he probably went to go check on bonnie", she thought to herself as she too left the room to see how bonnie was doing. As she exited the room she noticed that everyone was there in the lobby as she could hear their voices. She went to the lobby and saw that everyone was having breakfast. "good morning", she said to everyone. "good morning", they all replied almost simultaneously. She noticed that bonnie had a big bandage on her head. "so what happened ?", she asked her. "well i was playing with dedenne and i kinda ran into the sharp edge of nurse joys counter", she replied looking at the floor. "well you alright now", serena asked her in a conserned tone. "oh yeah yeah im fine", bonnie replied swatting her hands at nothing. "well if you say so", serena replied still in a concerned tone. "will you be able to walk bonnie", clemont asked her. "well i guess", she replied. "well you wont really have to walk", ash said as he finished eating his breakfast. "whys that ?", serena asked him looking confused. "we'll have to take route 17 to dendemille town right ?", ash answered with a question. "yeah ?", serena still replied in a confused tone implying that she still didn't understand. "well wont we have to ride a mamoswine again ?", ash replied as he drank a bit of water. "oh that's right !", clemont added in between. "im surprised that you remembered that ash", he added as he giggled. "hey !!! I know stuff k", ash said in a frustrated tone. They all giggled again and this time ash joined in too. "ok so lets get going", serena said and they all nodded to this as a reply. They all packed their bags and they set off to route 17 a.k.a. Mamoswine road. They all wore winger clothes since it was near the season at that time at there are frequent snow storms on that route.

it was snowing when they reached the route and it the cold weather made them shiver. they went over to a booth to rent a mamoswine. The person at the booth told them that all the mamoswine were booked at the time so they had to wait over at the cabin for another mamoswine to come back. He gave them a token reading the number 16 and they told them to come out once their number was called. They gang went into the booth and warmed up by the fireplace. Token numbers were called one by one as they waited there reading magazines. "looks like we'll be the last ones here"! Clemont said as he noticed that there was no one entering the cabin since they came there. "seems so", bonnie replied. "you sure that you're feeling okay", ash asked in concern. "ill be fine as long as we're not walking for long.... I just got a little bump on the head and i just feel a little giddy if i satnd for too long that's it so ill be fine", she reasurewd not only ash, but everyone in the room that she'll be okay. "well just tell me if you need anything okay", ash said as he grinned. "okay !!", bonnie said in an annoyed tobe as she thought that no one beleived that she was OKAY. Number fifteen was called and the person with the token left, they were the last ones there now. They just sat there in silence doing they're own things and minding they're own buisness untill they finally called out number 16 to the booth. They all immediately got up from their seats and made their way to the booth. Once they got to the booth, the guy told them to head around back and board the mamoswine. The gang went where they were told and saw the mamoswine."how about you command the mamoswine like you did las time serena", ash suggested. "oh ok im fine with that"! Serena replied with a smile which received a smile back from ash. They all boarded the mamoswine with serena sitting up front, ash behind her, bonnie behind him and clemont at the end. They tried kept bonnie in between ash and clemont because last time she had the tendency of falling off. Serena sihnalled the mamoswine to move forward and it did, they soon reached route 17. There were many boulders oj route 17 but they passed them with ease thanks to mamoswines raw power

"is that what i think it is ?", James asked as he looked through a pair of binoculars from their meowth balloon. "yes yes its the twerps. And pikachus with them !", jessie screamed with joy. "So lets go nab it", meowth said with a fist pump. They approacched the gang and inkay directed a psybeam directly at mamoswine. Mamoswine received a direct hot but held its ground. They all held on somehow even dispute the jerk they felt. Ash subconsiously held onto serena to avoid falling down. Serenas heart started beating faster as she felt ash's hand wrap around her waist and she felt a warm sensation on her cheeks as she was blushing. "where did that come from ?!!", ash yelled.

"prepare for trouble it came from here",

"and make it double its no-", "chuuuuuuuuuuuuuu", pikachu yelled, interrupting James's line whilst using thunder bolt, aimed directly at team rockets balloon. There was an explosion and "hey that's not fair",jesssie, James and meowth yelled as they went blasting off.......... Again. "good thing you hit them immediately pikachu. They're annoying motto was making my head hurt even more",bonnie said as she pat pikachus head. "you got that right", serena added, holding the saddle tightly. They all giggled to this and complimented pikachu. "well you got to hand it to them... They took a lot of thunder bolts from pikachu and whose knows where they land"! Clemont said pushing his glasses up and laughing. "i know right", ash yelled as he laughed aloud. After riding on the mamoswine for about a half hour, they finally reached dendemille town. They thanked the mamoswine as it turned back and started walking towards the booth where they rented it from. They left the mamoswine road and searched for a Pokemon center in dendemille town. They found one and asked nurse joy if they had rooms available there. She said that there was only one available at the moment and she gave them a key. "do you atleast have any matresses that we could use ?", clemont asked nurse joy. "actually i do... You could use them if you want. Theyre in the room over there", she said pointing to a room. They all thanked nurse joy and made their way to their room, ash and clemont going to the other room where nurse joy told them where the mattresses were to get them. They got the mattresses and put them on the floor of the room. Ash locked the room and wished everyone goodnight. Everyone did the same and the all went to sleep with Serena and bonnie sleeping on the provided beds while ash and clemont were sleeping on the mattresses. Ash then realized that they hadn't eaten dinner and his stomach grumbled. "don't worry ash ill make lots of extra food for you tomorrow", clemont said. "oh ok .... But im really hungry"! Ash said as he sweatdropped. Everyone giggled and went to sleep after about ten minutes of consoling ash by telling him to sleep and that there will be lots of food the next day.

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