The Finals - Ash vs Alain

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"hey ash, could i talk you in in private for a moment", serena asked ash. "yeah sure serena", ash grinned as he walked out of the waiting room, with serena.

the both of them came out of the room after about fifteen minutes. Ash seemed to be quite excited after that. "ash now that you're at the finals, you finally let to show that alain freak who's boss", bonniw said with confidence. "you got that right", ash said, giving her a high five. "just be carefull okay ash, his charizard beat all my Pokemon single handedly. We know that he also has a hydreigon, a blaziken, a walrein, and a zoroak, and a sawk", clemont said nervously. "ill be fine, don't worry........ Bu how do you know all this anyway", ash asked. "well we kinda saw his battles too of course", serena said. "oh yeah, right", ash replied. They sat there in silence, that was, until ash was called to the battlefield. "good luck", clemont, bonnie and meyer, wished ash. Serena then slowly walked up to ash and gave him a quick kiss. "good luck", she said. Ash nodded, because he was speachless after the kiss. He was blushing bright red. "ummm what was that all about", bonnie asked with a pouty face after ash had left the room. "well the thing is me and ash are kinda a thing now", serena ssaid softly as she turned away and blushed. "well that's great", bonnie yelled, hugging her from behind. "i guess so", serena giggled

"bring out your first Pokemon", the referee announced. "lets finish em", alain said as he tossed out his zoroak. "well in that case, come on out hawlucha", ash yelled, as ge tossed out a pokeball. "haluuuucha", the Pokemon yelled as it cane out of its ball, flexing its muscles and putting on various poses. "great ash chose hawlucha who's a fighting and flying type against zoroark who's a dark type", serena exclaimed. "so that means that ash has the advantage", bonnie added. "i just hope he's carefull", clemont said, softly enough that only he and meyer could hear. "battle begin", the referee yelled. "alright hawlucha, x scissor", ash yelled. Hawlucha ran up to zoroark, more like he ran right through it. It was one of zoroarks illusions. "now use night slash", alain said, with almost no emotion at all, showing that he wasn't at all interested in this battle. Zoroark suddenly appeared from behind hawlucha and landed its attack. Hawlucha was sent flying backwards and there was dust everywhere. "hawlucha are you okay", ash asked in concern. "hawlu", hawlucha nodded as it strugglesd to get back up. "finish it with another night slash", alain said, as his Pokemon rushed up towards hawlucha. "hawlucha dodge it !", ash yelled. Somehow, his Pokemon managed to dodge the attack by jumping up into the air. "now flying press", ash yelled. Hawlucha dived from the sky, spinning and landed directly on zoroark. "zor", zoroark yelled out in pain. "keep up the pressure. Use karate chop until you hit it", ash yelled, with a fistpump. Hawlucha did as it was told and kept throwing karate chop after karate chop, until zoroark finally got tired from dodging and got hit. "now finish with high jump kick", ash yelled, as his Pokemon ran towards zoroark and kit it directly in the stomach with its knee. Dust flew up in the air after the attack landed on zoroark and it slid across the rough battle field. "zoroark is unable to battle", the referee yelled as the smoke cleared and revealed zoroark lying on the floor. "walrein", alain mumbled sending out his Pokemon. "hawlucha, can you still battle ?", ash asked his Pokemon. "hawlucha", the Pokemon replied with a nod. "alright then then use high jump kick", ash commanded. Hawlucha ran up to walrein and kicked it right in the stomach. For some reason, hawlucha was thrown back. "what", ash exclaimed surprised. "walrein blubber will deflect almost any physical attack", alain said. "you'll not be able to defeat me without knowing even that", he added. "what did you say !", ash yelled back in anger. "you'll see, sheer cold", alain commanded. Soon after the command, a bright, icy cold beam was sent directly at hawlucha from walrein. Hawlucha was knocked out ......... Cold. "hawlucha is unable to battle", the referee said. "its alright hawlucha, you did your best", ash said with a smile. "come on out talonflame", ash yelled throwing out another pokeball. "taloooo", the Pokemon screached. "lets finish this quickly, walrein sheer cold", alain said. "don't let it touch you, fly up and use flame charge", ash said. Immediately his Pokemon flew up, dodging the attack. Talon flame later went charging right into walrein. Sadly, it was thrown back. "i told you that that's not gonna work", alain said with a smirk. "fine then, use fire blast", ash commanded.walrein was too big to dodge the attack and it fell to the ground. "now finish with brave bird, and aim for the face", ash yelled. Talonflame went flying at walrein at full speed and landed ak attack directly on walreins face. "walrein is unable to battle"! The referee yelled, once more. "great, good job talonflame", ash cheered. "flame flame", the Pokemon replied. "come sawk, i choose you", alain said, trying to immitate and mock ash. "talonflame use flame charge", ash commanded. Talonflame came flying at sawk at top speed, only to be hit by close combat. "karate chop", alain said, still not showing any emotion. Sawks karate chop made direct contact with talonflames foot, as it tried to dodge it by flying away. "taloooo", the Pokemon screached as it fell to the ground. "are you alright ?", ash asked his Pokemon in concern. Talonflame tried to stand up slowly but fell down again. "low sweep", alain said. "quick, dodge it by flying", ash yelled out. Talonflame flew out of the way, just before sawk could hit it. "peck", ash yelled. Talonflame flew down to attack sawk. Sawk tried to dodge the attack after alains commanded by jumping, but was hit by talomflames peck attack directly in the foot. It kinda gor payback for what happened before. "now finish it off with bravebird", ash commanded. "sawk is unable to battle", the referee announced after the smoke had cleared from the attack. "you did it again. Good job talonflame !", ash said, jumping up with joy.

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