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Before we got to our hotel room Gabe carried me bridal style. He opened the door and there was candles lit and red roses petals surrounding them. He spelled out "I adore you" on the bed out of red and white rose petals.

He laid me down on the bed and began to kiss my neck. I felt his soft lips go down to my chest. He unbuttoned my shirt, before he could remove my top I stopped him.

"I'll be right back." I whispered into his ear.

I went to the restroom and changed into lingerie. I walked out and Gabe's eyes shot wide open.

"Babe....." He said.

Gabe pulled my waist towards him and kissed each other. I laid down on the bed and Gabe got on top of me....... (You guys know what happens next)

*Back in Florida*
These past few days I've been feeling terrible. And it could only lead to one answer. Gabe wasn't at home at the moment so it was a perfect time to go to the store.
I arrived at the store and went to get a pregnancy test.
The moment was getting closer I was about to find out if I was expecting a baby or not.
I looked at the stick.........positive.

"Positive! The test result is positive." I yelled out. This has to be a surprise. I had to think of a creative way to tell Gabe.

Gabriel's Pov
I arrived home from a meeting and saw Analise sleeping on the bed. She was so adorable. I couldn't wait for us to have a family. I decided to make dinner. One thing she doesn't know about me is that I am a great cook. I decided to make spaghetti.

Analise's POV
As I woke up I smelled food. It smelled like spaghetti. I went down stairs and saw Gabe. I could just imagine his face of excitement when he finds out that he's going to be a dad.

The Married Life // Sequel to: New Girl ( A Gabriel Conte Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now