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Gabriel's Pov
"Analise!!" I panicked. I picked her up bridal style and went down stairs and opened the car. I tried driving as fast as possible to the nearest hospital.

"Don't do this to me Analise!" I began to repeat.

I finally arrived at a hospital. I ran inside carrying Analise looking for help.

"Help someone help!" Seconds later I saw two doctors running towards me with a streacher.
"What happened?" One of them asked.
"She got agitated and fainted. She's also pregnant." I said laying her down on the streacher.

They began to take her away and I followed, but they told me to wait. I began to scream and punch the wall. This is all my fault. I'm the reason for why she's here. I call my mom to tell her what happened.

"Hello." She answers.
"Gabe is everything all right?"
I begin to feel the tears run down my cheeks. "Mom, she's... she's at the h-hospital."
"Oh my God! How? What happened?"
"I'll explain when you get here."
I hang up.

A couple minutes later I hear my mom's voice and see my dad, Sofi and Nico. "Gabe!" My mom yells out.
"Mom!" I hug her tightly.
"What happened?"
"We had an argument, she got upset and began to yell. Then she fainted."

I saw a doctor coming towards us.
"Are you guys family of Analise Conte?" He asked.
"Yes, I'm her husband. How is she? How's the baby?"
"She is doing much better now. Can I talk to you alone please?"
"Of course." I said following the doctor.
"Mr. Conte, did you and your wife have and argument?"
"Yeah, we did."
"It's best if you guys try to avoid arguments, and it's best that Analise doesn't get upset, it's important for the baby's health."
"Yes, doctor thank you. Can I see Analise?"
"Yes, and she'll be able to leave tomorrow morning."

As I walk in the room I see her sleeping. I put my hand on hers.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for doubting on you. I'm sorry for everything. I promise I will never doubt on you again." I said crying.

Analise's POV
I felt someone's hand on mine. I open my eyes and see Gabe. His head is down. I close my eyes again and I hear him talk. I was still pretty mad at him for him not trusting me, but I can't be mad at him forever.

"It's ok Gabe." I said. He looked up at me, wiping his tears away.
"Analise, you're awake."
"I've been awake." I laughed. He gave me a kiss on the cheek.
"I'm so glad you're ok."
I heard the door open and looked to see who it was. It was my mom, dad and brothers.
"Thank goodness you're ok." My mom says.
"It's nice to see you alive." Luis, my brother says laughing.
"It's nice to see you too." I reply.
Soon Gabe's family came in.

It was really late so everyone had left. Gabe decided to stay the night with me.
"I'm so tired." I say.
"You've been in bed for a long time, how are you tired?" Gabe laughs.
"I still manage to get tired..... Babe come closer." As he gets close I wrap my arms around his neck and press my lips against his.
"Goodnight babe."
"Sweet dreams babygirl."

Hey guys, thank you all for 1.05k reads!!! Hope you guys enjoy this update.
Happy Valentine's Day!

The Married Life // Sequel to: New Girl ( A Gabriel Conte Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now