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Analise's POV

It's been almost a month since the incident. Today we're going to find out our baby's gender. We've been waiting for this day since we found out that we're pregnant. I look at the time and see that I should start getting ready. I put on yoga pants and an wear a loose shirt. I put on a little make up. Later toady Gabe and I are having a photo shoot so we can share the gender of our baby.

If we bump into each other
On a crowded street
It's not us no more
It's just you and me
We're just strangers in passing casually
It's not us no more
It's just you and me

We sing while we're on our way to the doctor's.
"Do you think it's a boy or a girl?" Gabe asks, turning down the radio.
"I think it's going to be a boy because the baby kicks a lot." I touch my belly.
"You're right, the baby does kick a lot." He says.
"Girl or boy, I'll love him or her either way."

We arrive at the clinic and go into a room where the doctor will perform the ultrasound. The doctor puts the gel on my stomach which is very cold.
"Are you guys ready?" The doctor says.
"Yes." We both say in unison and look at the machine.
"Well doctor, are we having a girl or a boy?" Gabe asks.
"Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Conte you're having a girl and a boy!" She says.
"We're having twins!" "Babe, we're having twins!" I start to cry and Gabe gives me a kiss. We look at the screen and see the heads.

We're on our way back home to get ready for our photo shoot. I take a shower and get dressed. I put on a white long sleeve loose t-shirt dress, brown boots, and a blanket scarf. I curl my hair and brush it though so it can be wavy.
"Babe, we have to go." I hear Gabe scream. I walk downstairs and see him wearing a nice navy blue jacket with a stripped shirt under and dark blue jeans.
"About 5 hours later." He says. His eyes go wide when he sees me. This is the first time I've ever been fully dressed up while pregnant.
"You were saying?" I stand in front of him.
"You look beautiful, babe." He kisses me.

We arrive at a beautiful park. The leaves were falling down and changing color. I love this time of year. Gabe's friend began taking photos of us. We posed for who knows how many hours. After we were done, the photographer showed us the pictures, they were all beautiful. One of my favorites was were we both had our hands, heart shaped on my belly and us looking down at my belly smiling.

I post the picture on Instagram with the caption, Twins and a pink and blue heart. Within seconds people started liking and commenting. I read some of the comments.

"Congrats, you guys will make great parents!"
"I'm so happy for you guys, congrats!"

I notice Sofia's comment which makes me laugh and I show it to Gabe.

"Babe, look at what Sofia commented." I tell him.

"Wow, I had to find out through social media, I couldn't get a call.
Congratulations!! I'm extremely happy for you two. I'm finally an aunt yay!! I'm going to spoil them so much. ♡♡♡♡"

Gabe starts laughing when he finishes reading Sofia's comment.
"We should call our parents and let them know." Gabe says.
"Let's call yours first before Sofia tells them." We call our parents and tell them the great news. Sadly, Sofia had told them first, but they were still happy to hear it from us.

Once we got home, I felt so hungry.
"Babe, can you make me some french toast. I also want strawberry ice cream, and french fries. Please."
"Anything for you and my babies." He gives me a kiss and also kisses my belly.

I finally updated sorry for the long wait. I hope you liked this chapter. I'll try to update another chapter this week.
Also I'm thinking about writing another Gabriel Conte fanfic, let me know if I should. ♡


The Married Life // Sequel to: New Girl ( A Gabriel Conte Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now