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Analise's POV

I tried not to look so concerned or else everybody will notice that something is wrong. While everybody was laughing and talking I saw Gabe go into the the kitchen and I followed.

"Babe is everything ok, what's wrong?" I walked up to him.
"I don't want to talk about it right now Analise." I stood still. He has never called me Analise before, especially in a serious tone.
Gabe went back to the living room and I stayed in the kitchen.

"Honey, is everything ok between you and Gabe?" I hear Gabe's mom say and I look up at her.
"I don't know what's wrong with him." My eyes start to water. "I've been trying to talk to him but he won't tell me. He even called me Analise, he never calls me Analise." I feel her arms wrap around me and that makes me cry even more.
"Give him some time to be alone, he's probably like that because something happened in his job. We'll leave you two alone." She says.

"Ok I think it's time for us to go." I hear her say. I try to control myself and wipe my eyes before I go back to the living room. "Bye Analise!" Sofi and Nico both say at the same time. "Bye I'll see you guys some time this week." I gave them a hug.


It's been like an hour or two since my in-laws left and I haven't spoken to Gabe. I went upstairs and saw him sitting on the bed, he didn't even look at me. I walked to my drawers and grabbed a tank top and nike soffe shorts and went to the restroom.

I got out and walked towards him. "Babe I need you to tell me what's wrong, are you mad at me, did something happen at work?" I stood in front of him. He got up and grabbed his phone from the table. "Can you please explain this to me?!" He said giving me the phone. "Explain what?" I questioned. And then i saw it, someone sent him pictures of Ryan and I. There were pictures of me and him hugging, one were Ryan is kissing me on the cheek and him hugging and spinning me around. I checked to see who sent these to him and it was an unknown number.

"Babe, Ryan and I are just friends. Are you trying to say that you don't trust me." I say in a louder voice.
"No!, I'm just-" I cut him off. "Yes! That's exactly what you're trying to say! That's why you haven't been talking to me! You've been thinking about these stupid pictures that mean absolutely nothing!! I start to yell. "We've been in this situation before Gabe! I need you to trust me just as much as I trust you!"

Suddenly I felt this huge pain in my stomach. "Agggh!" I bend down and begin to feel dizzy.

Gabe's POV
Analise is yelling at me and suddenly I see that she's in pain. I quickly run towards her and she falls on me. "Analise!!" I begin to panic.

Cliffhanger! :) Hope you guys like this chapter!

The Married Life // Sequel to: New Girl ( A Gabriel Conte Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now