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Analise's POV

"Alex!" I blink making sure that it's actually him. "Alex." I say again shocked. "Why? Why are you doing this?" I ask.
"Isn't it obvious, I love you. Since the first day I saw you in high school. "
"You don't know the definition of love! You're obsessed with me." I yell at him.
"I love you, that's why I brought you here. To live happily with eachother."
"I don't love you! I love Gabe, my husband!" I yell at him even more. "Gabe, is going to find me and your ass is going to jail." I tell Alex.
"He will never find you." Alex walks up to me a grabs my face and walks away. Once he's gone I check my phone to see if there's any signal. None. I walk around the room hoping to get signal.
"Thank you Jesus!" I have a little bit of signal. I call Gabe.

"Analise!" Gabe answers within the first ring. "Analise are you ok? Where-are- you?" His voice begins to cut.
"Gabe, it's A---." I hear keys behind the door and quickly hang up, hiding my phone.

"I brought you some food." Alex walks in.
"I don't want it. I'm not hungry."
"Did I ask you?" He grabs my arm and throws me on a mattress.  "Now eat." He sits in front of me making sure I eat.

Gabriel's POV

"She didn't say much. I heard her panic and then she hung up." I tell the police officer. "She was going to tell me who had her."
"What exactlly did she say?" The officer asks.
"Gabe, it's A---." I think for a moment trying to think of someone's name who starts with 'A'. "Alex the person who took Analise was Alex!" I say.
"Sir, do you know Alex's last name?"
"No, I don't, but he's tall, white, he has light brown hair." The officer takes notes.
"About how tall is he?" He asks.
"Probably, 5'11."
"I'll have my computer analyst look up people with the name Alex and the description here in Los Angeles." I nod my head.

Analise's POV

I'm sitting on a mattress trying to figure out a way to get out of this place. I feel so gross I haven't taken a shower in almost two days. It finally hit me. I know what to do to get out of here, hopefully. I dial Gabe's number again.
"An------." I cut him off.
"Babe, just listen don't say anything." Hopefully the police are able to track where I'm at. I put my phone in my pocket.
"AHHHH!" I yell hoping that Alex can hear me. "AHHHHH!" I yell even louder. "ALEX! ALEX!" The door swings open, Alex running towards me. "Alex! My baby! It hurts!!" I touch my belly.
"Come with me, grab onto my arm!" He panics. He's actually falling for it. I take deep breaths and cry even louder.
"I'll get my keys."  We enter a different room and he starts to look for them.
"AHHHH!" I yell again. I look around the room and find a vase. I grab it and slam it against Alex's back. He falls to the ground. I see the keys on a table and grab them. I go outside and start the car. All of a sudden I hear police sirens. Once I see a police car coming my direction I stop the car and get out.
"He's following me, he's back there." I point to his direction. Gabe gets out of the car and runs towards me.
"Thank God you're ok!" He hugs me. "It's finally over, babe." I cry into his arms.

I finally updated! I've been gone way too long.
Hope you like this update! (:
I'll be updating soon again.

The Married Life // Sequel to: New Girl ( A Gabriel Conte Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now