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3 months later

Analise's POV

It's been 3 months since we moved to California and I love it here. Our new house is big and beautiful. My baby bump is starting to be noticeable. I was upstairs making our bed until I heard my phone ring. It was Gabe.

"Hi babe." I answer.
"Hi babygirl. I just got out of a meeting and I'm on my way home, but I need you to get ready."
"What's the occasion?" I questioned.
"It's a surprise, but don't wear anything too fancy."
"Ok, babe. I love you."
"I love you too."

After 30 minutes I finally found an outfit that I liked. It was a floral maxi skirt and a white crop top. I decided to wear sandals and do soft waves to my hair. And finally I did my makeup.
As I was walking down stairs I saw Gabe walk in.

"Baby, you're ready?! I wasn't expecting you to be ready by the time I got home."
"What are you trying to say? That I take forever to get ready." I walked up to him acting serious.
"Yes, woman take forever to get ready." He smiled. "You look beautiful as always." He said kissing my cheek and then my small baby bump. "I'll go get changed and then we can go."


"Oh my gosh! Gabe this is beautiful." I said as we walked towards the beach. We were on a picnic date. There was a red and white blanket with candles lit around the blanket shaped into a heart. I took out my phone so I could take a picture and post it on instagram.
"How did you do all of this?"
"After the meetingnI had, my manager was nice enough to help me set this all up while I went to go get you."

We sat down on the blanket and opened the basket.
"I brought sandwiches, white chocolate covered strawberries and knowing you with your cravings I brought ice cream."
"You just read my mind babe." My eyes widened.

Gabriel's POV

As we were eating I decided to play 21 questions.
"Anal let's play 21 questions." I said.
"Did you just call me Anal?" She laughed.
"Yes, I did. Here's the first question, if you could marry a celebrity who would it be?"
"That's such a hard decision. I love Zayn Malik and Justin Bieber." She paused. "I'd marry Justin Bieber, he's bae af." She said.
I put my hand over my heart acting hurt. "Ouch."
She laughs and and gives me a kiss to make me feel better.
"What about you, who would you marry?" She asks.
"Ariana Grande. She's gorgeous."
"You know, if I could go lesbian I would marry her too."
I laughed.
We spent the rest of the day asking eachother questions and laughing our butts off.

Guys I accidentally deleted my story New Girl!!!!! I was going to delete a different story that I had, but I didn't realize that I had clicked on New Girl!!!! I'm so dumb!

I'm thinking about conflicts to add to this story for the next updates. Hope you guys liked this update. 😊

Btw did you guys see Gabriel's instagram, he's in a relationship!!! 😭😭 I'm heartbroken but i'm also happy for him 😊💕

The Married Life // Sequel to: New Girl ( A Gabriel Conte Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now