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Analise's POV

I wake up and see that everything is pitch black. I must have a blindfold on.

"Look who finally woke up." I hear someone say. The voice sounds familiar, but I'm not sure who it can be.
"What do you want?" I hear footsteps.
"I want you, baby." He whispers in my ear and touches my face.
"Don't touch me!" I yell.
"You know who has been sending you those messages and sending pictures to your husdand? Me. Ever since you two got married, my eyes have been on you. I've been follow you guys were ever you go. Especially you, Analise."
"Who are you?"
"You'll find out soon, but for now good night."

Gabriel's POV

As I went upstairs to our bedroom I noticed that Analise wasn't in bed. I checked the restroom and she wasn't there either nor in the nursery.
"Babe." I yelled. No answer. I went down stairs to look for her. Nothing. At this point I was all over the house.
"Analise, Analise!" I yell. Was she kidnapped? I decided to call the police.

"Sir we can't do nothing right now, we're not exactly sure if she was kidnapped. She could be out for a walk." Officer Jones says.
"I know Analise very well. She wouldn't be out for a walk this late at night." I tell him. Is he dumb?
"If you don't hear anything from her by tomorrow, let us now." He walks out the door. I call Analise hoping that she'll answer. The phone rings but no answer. I call again. No answer. I also call my in-laws and my parents to tell them that Analise is missing.

It's 4 in the morning and I'm still wide awake, sitting on my bed hoping that Analise calls me.

Analise's POV

It's been hours since my phone rang. I was most likely Gabe. The phone is in my pocket, but I'm not able to answer because my hands are tied.

"Good Morning baby." I hear him walk in.
"Don't call me baby, you piece of shit!" I yell.
"Someone is in a grumpy mood this morning." I feel him touch my hands. "I'm going to untie you, do not do anything unlees you want something to happen to your baby." He touches my belly.
I nod in agreement. He pulls me up and sets me on a mattress.
"Are you ready to see who your kidnapper is?"
"I've been wanting to know since you brought me here." I tell him.
He removes my blindfold.

Hi guys hope you like this short chapter. I'm thinking of deleting this story since my previous story New Girl was accidentally deleted by me. And I'm also not feeling this story anymore.

The Married Life // Sequel to: New Girl ( A Gabriel Conte Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now