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Analise's POV
We finally arrived in Venice. It was 4:37 in the mornig and we were on our way to our hotel.

"Venice is so beautiful." I said holding his hand.
"It sure is and I get to spend it with you which makes it even more beautiful." He gave me a smile.

We got to our hotel room and it was huge. We set our luggage down and went to change into a tank top and shorts. Even though I slept on the airplane I was so tired. I saw Gabe shirtless siting on the bed.

He notices me coming out of the restroom and gives me a wink.

"Babe come take a selfie with me by the window." He said.
We stood by the window and I gave him a kiss on the cheek and he smiled for the picture.

Once he posted the picture on instagram people were commenting 'Relationship Goals'. I sat down on the bed and felt his hands on my shoulders and he lays his chin on top of my head.

"These next two weeks are going to be amazing babe." I said.
"Te amo!" (I love you) "He yelled.

We went out to eat and as we were waiting for our food. I got a text from an unknown number.

I'm going to ruin your life.

What the fuck, I thought to myself. Who was this? How did this person get my number? I ignored the text, trying not to let it ruin our honeymoon.

As the day went on we went to the Grand Canal. We got on one of the long canoes.

We admired the beautiful view and admired one another.

"Gabe, I still get butterflies in my tummy whenever I'm around you."

He gave me a kiss. "Me too babe."

The Married Life // Sequel to: New Girl ( A Gabriel Conte Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now