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Gabriel's Pov
I just sat there looking at the pictures. Thinking. I don't want to call Analise and ask her because then she'll think that I don't trust her, which I do.

I set my phone aside and continued talking to Kyle, hopefully I'll stop thinking about the pictures.

Analise's POV
My last patient was a family who's puppy has parvo and is leaving the puppy here to receive treatment.

"Analise, do you want to go eat lunch together?" Ryan asked.
"Yeah, sure. Where t- Before I could finish i felt my phone vibrate and saw that it was a text from Gabe.

Great news babygirl! I'll see you at home. Love you

Can't wait to hear it babe!
Love you

"Ryan, sorry I won't be able to get lunch but I just got a text from Gabe saying he has some important news."
"It's alright, honey. Just make sure to tell me the "important news." He said laughing.
"Well I'll tell you something great..... I'm pregnant!"
"Omg, congratulations Analise." He said hugging and kissing me on the cheek. "I am throwing you a baby shower!
I laughed."Alright I have to go."

As I got in my car I thought about all the blessings in my life. God has blessed me with such amazing people. First is my family, Gabe and his family, my baby, and Ryan. Ryan is one of my closest friends. He's wonderful although he does need a boyfriend. I stopped thinking and i began driving to get some Chipotle for Gabe and I.

Gabriel's POV
I arrived at home and saw that my mom was calling.
"Hey mom!"
"Hi sweetie, I just wanted to let you know that we're goig over for dinner."
"That's great mom, I'll see you guys in a bit." I hung up the phone and felt my phome vibrate. More pictures of Analise with the same guy. On one of the pictures the guy is hugging her while spinning her around and one were he's kissing her on the cheek.

These pictures just changed my mood.

Analise's POV
After I finished getting Chipotle, my way back home was a long drive, thanks to traffic. By the time i got home it was almost dinner time. I also noticed that my in-laws were here.

"Hello everyone." I said as i walked in and gave them a hug.
"Hi, babe" I said giving him a kiss on the lips, but he didn't kiss me back.
"Hi.", was all he said back to me. No "hi babygirl" just a simple "hi". Something was wrong.

Hope you guys enjoyed this updated (:

The Married Life // Sequel to: New Girl ( A Gabriel Conte Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now