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Analise's POV

"Alright babygirl, just sit down and relax. I'll make breakfast." Gabe said as we entered our house.
"No, I'll make breakfast, I'm fine." I said.
"Baby, I'm trying to be a good husband, I'll cook."
"You don't need to try, you're an amazing husband." I walk up to him and hug him.

I see him take out eggs, bacon, potatoes, ham, and cheese. I wonder what he's going to make. I sat there in the kitchen watchig him. As I watched him making food I remembered that before we had our discussion and went to the hospital, he had important news to tell me.

"Hey babe, what was the important news that you wanted to tell me?" I say.
"Well, I was going to tell you when we eat but since you beat me to it, I'll tell you now. I talked with my manager, Kyle and he said that we're going to California in two weeks." He says cracking the eggs.
"Two weeks?" I repeated.
"Yup, he already found a house for us he says, 'we'll love'."
"I'll be the judge of that." I laugh.

"Mmm. This is so good." I say taking a bite of the omelet. "I should have you make the food instead of me."
He laughs. "This is the only thing I know how go make. I would much rather eat your delicious enchiladas."

It was night and I felt like having a little fun. I see Gabe sitting down on the bed and watching tv. I'm wearing one of Gabe's shirts which looks like a dress on me.
I wrap my legs around his torso and begin to kiss his neck. I feel his hands on my waist and he begins to kiss me as well. I reach to the bottom of his shirt and take it off pushing him onto the bed giving him a few more kisses.

"That's enough for today. " I laugh walking away.
Before I could walk away he grabs my arm pulling me onto the bed. He hovers over me.

"You're. Such. A. Tease." He says between each kiss. Starting from my jawline down to my neck. I push him off and run to the bathroom.
"Babygirl." He whines.
I open the door and wrap my arms around his neck. We stare into eachothers eyes. I slowly move forwards to kiss his lips. He moves his head also. As he gets close I quickly move to kiss his cheek.
I laugh.
"Ahh." I scream as he picks me up bridal style.
"You just love teasing me don't you?"
"I sure do." I smile. He lays me down on the bed and puts his hand on my stomach.
"Hi little one, your mom is a crazy lady." He says.
"And your dad is a weirdo." I add.

"You know what I'm going to love more about our baby."
"What?" He looks at me.
"He or she is going to be, spanish, colombian, cuban, mexican, and american."
"Our baby is going to be adorable." He kisses my cheek.

The Married Life // Sequel to: New Girl ( A Gabriel Conte Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now