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Analise's Pov
I started to make coffee so it can be ready by the time Gabe woke up. In the meantime I got ready for work. Gabe has told me that he doesn't want me to work, that he is able to manage the household himself. But I also need to make my own money, I don't want him to spend his money on me. And besides I love my job, I get to work with animals.

I heard footsteps coming from down stairs. Gabe's awake.
"Good Morning babe." I gave him a kiss.
"Good...Morning...babygirl." He said between each kiss.
"And good morning to you too baby." He said as he touched my stomach. I smiled and ran my fingers through his hair.
"You call me babe and I call you babygirl." He winked.
"Here is your coffee." I laughed.

I began to make breakfast and gave our dog Toulouse his food as well.
"Babygirl, what do you think of moving to California?" He began.
"I'd love to move there. California has perfect weather. Why? I asked confused.
"I was talking to Kyle, my manager and he said that we're going to be doing some projects in California that we most likely have to move there."
"What ever you need to do to achieve your dream I'll always be with you. When will we have to move?"
"Kyle will let me know today."

I arrived at the animal hospital and saw Ryan getting out of the car. Ryan is a co-worker and also a friend.
"Good Morning Analise."
"Morning Ryan." We both gave eachother a hug.
"These are for you." He said handing me a box of donuts.
"Thank you, but you shouldn't have."
"I know that you love donuts especially if they're from Dunkin Donuts."
I smiled at him and we both walked into the building.


Gabriel's Pov
I was having a conversation with my manager about moving to California when I got a text from an unknown number. I opened up the text and it was pictures of Analise hugging a guy and him giving her a box of Dunkin Donuts.

"What the heck?" I said to myself. I trust Analise and i know that she's not that kind of girl. Wait? Who sent me these pictures?.....

I finally updated!!! Sorry i took forever, I've been really busy with school. Anyways hope you guys like this update. And Happy Thanksgiving!!!

The Married Life // Sequel to: New Girl ( A Gabriel Conte Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now