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Me: hey i forgot to ask you something

Baller: yesssss

Me: wut were you like in school

Baller: *spits tea*

Baller: why would you be wondering that

Me: idk why its such a big deal i was only curious

Baller: i just dont really like to talk about school

Me: i will tell you about my school life

Baller: ... okay

Me: i used to be the girl who wore pink tutus and tank tops. the girl who write down all the notes and payed attention. basically the goody two shoes

Baller: okay cool we were opposites

Baller: are you still like that

Me: no. once i got a little taste of freedom i never let go

Baller: that was beautiful

Baller: it was like rainbow sprinkles and unicorns

Me: omg ikr thx

Me: you need to tell me about your school life now

Baller: i just wasnt a good kid Noelle

Me: wut did you do

Baller: i used a lot of girls and i now feel really bad about that.

Me: wut do you mean you used them tho

Baller: i made them feel special at the beginning and then broke them at the end

Me: :o

Me: would you do that to me if i went to your school

Baller: your different tho

Baller: god... i really hope not

Baller: who i am now... no.

Baller: who i was back then... sadly i probably would

Me: oh.

Baller: im diiferent tho now Noelle you understand that right

Me: yea of course i do

Me: were both different

Baller: yes we are

Me: and that is why you are my best friend

Baller: yea

Baller: best friend.

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