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I stopped the car and looked over at Louis to see him already shutting the door.


Lex ran out of the house and held onto Louis's shoulders and said soothing words to him as I watched from inside the car.

I jumped slightly at the sound of Harry tapping his feminine finger nails against my window. I rolled it down and gave him a tight smile.

He sighed before saying, "Talk to me."

I closed my eyes tightly and managed to breath out, "Get in."


Harry and I rode out to an empty parking lot about eight minutes away next to the pharmacy.

"Why is Louis at my house, and not yours?" He asked slowly as he combed through his hair with his hands.

I took took a very deep breath before quickly saying, "Well I was getting my things out for bedtime and then Louis randomly told me he loves me but we met through me texting the wrong number about my bad breath and I don't know how love feels but I'm pretty sure I don't love him so I told him that and he asked me to drive him t your place and he was basically just really pissy but I don't blame him since I just broke his heart but anyways we were in the car and I was trying to apologize but then he opened his car door and rolled out of my car-"

"Wait he rolled out of your car?!"

"yea but he was okay and now we're here." I finished breathing heavily.

Harry stared at me, not saying anything.

"Are you fucking crazy?!" He yelled.

Never mind.

"About what?!" I asked sitting up a bit more.

He groaned as he threw his head back. "You do too love him!"

"You can't tell me how I feel!"

"Can too!"

"Can not!"

"Can too!"

"Can not!"

"Fine." He said digging into his pocket. "Heads or tails?"

I thought for a moment. "Heads." I said nodding along with my choice.

He flipped the coin and then slapped it onto the back of his hand. He rolled his eyes as I cheered.

I laughed in his face. "Haha, I told you!"

He shook his head quickly. "No! Best two out of three!"

I crossed my arms and sighed. "Fine whatever."


"Hey guess who has two thumbs and just won?" Harry asked pointing at himself with his thumbs.

I rolled my eyes. "Fine Harry, explain to me how I am so in love."

"Even when you knew it was the wrong number, you sticked with him. Even when he was annoying you, you still joked around with him. Even after finding out he lived in a whole different country than you, you still had that contact in your phone. Even after thinking to yourself that you guys would never meet, you waited. That's what love is, Noelle. When you stick with them, joke with them, keep them around, and wait for them. That's how you know when your in love."

I stared at Harry and suddenly became happy that he won the coin toss...

Because I'm in love with Louis Tomlinson.


Noelle: I'm in love with Louis Tomlinson

Me: No shit Sherlock!

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