Chapter 3

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Pearl's POV

Sometimes it felt like the world is swimming around you rather than you swimming around it.

So many thoughts went through my head the moment I left the castle. I thought about things I shouldn't be thinking off, and things I should have thought of a long time ago.

Did I really love the person I'm currently dating? Or was it just all fake?

It all seemed real. The dates, the kiss, the...more than that. But, was it really? If I'm still falling for more guys, was my love for Eric just an illusion?

Gosh, sometimes I feel like I'm reciting words from Pale's romantic human novels.

I swished my tail up and down slowly, each stroke relieving anxiety and worry from my system.

I took deep breaths as I crossed the kingdoms borders, and was greeting with bright fish and plants alike.

I saw parrot fish dart from red coral, to pink, to yellow, picking off small pieces with their seahawk-like beaks.

Nurse sharks grazed the bottom of the sea floor, it's small eyes darting from place to place searching for food.

Nurse sharks were one of the few sharks mermaids welcomed into the kingdom. They often served as doctors (another reason why they got their name,) and their blood was used in lots of medicine.

Even if I was trying to relax and let go of stress, my body still was on alert for any dangers: fishing boats, great whites, large electric eels, etcetera.

Then I saw it.

A fragment of my memory that seemed so old, but was still so new. The rock.

I haven't visited the rock, where I used to gaze upon the humans, since I was 14.

I naturally stopped going. Mainly because I wasn't dreaming about being among humans anymore.

I've met James and Brian. I've seen Pale walk on two legs. I've witnessed a human wedding, I've seen the horrible things humans can do, yet it all works out in the end. There was no room for my 14 year old fantasies anymore, it was only reality, where things got complicated.

The rock hasn't changed much except the increased amount of barnacles. They often grew on houses and skin too and were a pain in the scales to get the off. Also, they are really sharp, one light brush across it, and you could have a deep gash in your hand.

I placed my hands on the smooth part of the rock, without any sea-rubbish. I pushed with all my strength and hoisted myself up.

I glanced at the shore. It was the middle of the day, and the winter. So many kids were at an educational center called "school," and many adults were at work.

I sighed to myself, still looking at the empty shore. Maybe coming out here wasn't so good, these flooding memories reminded me of simpler times, and not this stupid inner battle between Eric and a boy who's already taken.

I looked down at the old, smelly, white barnacles. At least they all had each other on this rock, and no one was left alone.

Along with the empty beach, the growing fog added an eerie feeling to my heart. My eyes fell upon the old dock near the beach. So many memories were made there, almost as much as this rock.

It was the first time I met James, I escaped from death and most importantly, met Pale. Even the things that seem so insignificant to you humans, like rocks and wooden boards, are very important to

I glanced up at the sun. It was between the center of the sky and the western horizon. Time to get back home, Pisces would be looking for me.

I dived back into the water, watching as I merged with the underwater ecosystem once again.

I still swam slowly among the bright hues of coral. Several young butterfly fish swam around me. I laughed as they kissed my bony checks. One nipped at my finger and tried to pull.

"Where are you taking me little one?" I asked giggling. I followed the school of butterfly fish west, away from the kingdom.

I rode with them around the coral reefs. I saw them stop for food and interact with other creatures. It wasn't much different from the mermaids.

One butterfly fish seemed to beckon me through a small coral bridge.

"I don't think I can fit through there," I said doubtfully.

A collection of pink coral formed a small arch over some other coral. Many types of aquatic life enjoyed themselves as they darted in between the holes and played tag under the bridge. However, these fish were much smaller than me.

The butterfly fish looked at me with beckoning eyes.

"Fine, I'll join you," I said rolling my eyes. I descended to the arch of coral. I ran my hand along the rough surface. Scrrrraaatt! I jolted back in alarm. I gazed at my hand and saw a deep gash in the center of my palm.

I think I better get home so Pisces could heal the wound.

But suddenly, I couldn't do anything. Swim, breathe, float. What was going on? Was I in shock? Paralysis?

I tried to swim up, but I couldn't feel my tail. I felt lighter, but I wasn't ascending.

I swung my arms up and down, barely making progress. I couldn't work my gills, it was as if they disappeared.

I wanted to call out for help. But I couldn't speak. When I opened my mouth, water flowed in. My body rejected it and I coughed it out. Bubbles flowed around me and I sucked in more water. Was I drowning? I shook my head. That's impossible!

But at this point, anything seemed possible. I was sinking! I had no control over of my tail! I was drowning!

What happened next seemed like a miracle. The butterfly fish took my arms and tail and lifted me up towards the surface.

The head broke out of the waves and suddenly, I could breathe again! I reached for a nearby rock to help keep me above water.

I looked down at my tail, but suddenly, it wasn't there anymore. It was replaced by two small, pale wobbly legs.

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